Bill Text: VA HB1829 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Mathematics teachers; BOE shall take certain regulatory actions relating to add-on endorsements.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Engrossed) 2025-02-19 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1829) [HB1829 Detail]

Download: Virginia-2025-HB1829-Introduced.html





Offered January 8, 2025

Prefiled January 6, 2025

A BILL to amend and reenact §§ 22.1-212.2, 22.1-253.13:1, and 22.1-253.13:2 of the Code of Virginia and to amend the Code of Virginia by adding sections numbered 22.1-199.8 through 22.1-199.11, 22.1-200.04, 22.1-299.2:1, and 22.1-299.7:2, relating to public elementary and secondary schools; Office of Mathematics Improvement established; mathematics improvement and advancement policies and programs; established.




Committee Referral Pending


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§ 22.1-212.2, 22.1-253.13:1, and 22.1-253.13:2 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted and that the Code of Virginia is amended by adding sections numbered 22.1-199.8 through 22.1-199.11, 22.1-299.2:1, and 22.1-299.7:2 as follows:

§ 22.1-199.8. Office of Mathematics Improvement at the Department; Director and support staff; regional coordinators; mathematics advisory task forces.

A. The Department shall establish the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) as an office within the Department for the purpose of supporting the improvement of mathematics education in public elementary and secondary schools in the Commonwealth through (i) administering and collaborating with the mathematics advisory task forces established pursuant to subsection E; (ii) administering state funds provided to school divisions to improve and advance mathematics education; (iii) assisting school administrators in the application for federal and state grant funds for mathematics improvement initiatives, programs, and opportunities; (iv) overseeing and tracking mathematics instruction, assessment scores, and learning outcomes in the Commonwealth to identify areas of need and areas of improvement; and (v) providing assistance, recommendations, and support to school boards and school administrators relating to best practices for improving mathematics instruction and education.

B. The Superintendent shall appoint and employ a Director of the Office. The Director shall have substantial experience in mathematics education and instruction, either in administrative roles or as a teacher providing mathematics instruction in public schools.

C. The Department shall establish within the Office and hire one regional coordinator position for each superintendent's region in the Commonwealth. Each regional coordinator shall have significant experience in providing mathematics instruction and providing training, coaching, and support to mathematics teachers in public schools. Each regional coordinator shall:

1. Collaborate with the school board and division superintendent of each school division in the applicable superintendent's region to:

a. Maximize participation in any mathematics improvement and support initiatives and programs, including the Summer Mathematics Intervention Grant Program established pursuant to § 22.1-199.9, the Advanced Placement Mathematics Exam Fee Elimination Fund and Program established pursuant to § 22.1-199.10, the Mathematics Improvement and School Support Grant Program established pursuant to § 22.1-199.11, and the Advanced Mathematics Teacher Incentive and Support Grant Program established pursuant to § 22.1-299.2:1;

b. Promote and implement the Board's guidance on mathematics course offerings for school counselors; and

c. Support the establishment, maintenance, and operation of programs, policies, and other measures aimed to empower students and families to select the most appropriate mathematics courses for each student based on available local and virtual options, and support students in mathematics improvement, advancement, and achievement; and

2. Perform such other tasks as assigned by the Director of the Office.

D. The Department shall establish and employ within the Office:

1. Two administrative positions for the purpose of managing grant programs, procurement, and other operational duties relating to mathematics improvement and support initiatives, programs, and policies;

2. One professional development coordinator for the purpose of managing the development and maintenance of teacher professional development, training, and preparation for providing instruction in advanced mathematics courses. The professional development coordinator shall (i) work in collaboration with the regional coordinators employed pursuant to subsection C and the mathematics advisory task forces established pursuant to subsection E to develop and distribute to each school board professional development, training, and preparation resources and develop and disseminate to each school board information relating to professional development, training, and preparation opportunities and (ii) perform such other tasks as assigned by the Director of the Office; and

3. One data analyst for the purpose of analyzing mathematics progress and achievement data for students at all grade levels in each public school in the Commonwealth and presenting such analysis to the Office. The data analyst shall also (i) develop data collection and analysis methods for measuring and tracking student progress and achievement in mathematics and identifying achievement gaps; (ii) develop recommendations on improvements to programming and services; (iii) assess and develop and post on the Department's website an annual report on the progress of all mathematics improvement initiatives, programs, and policies in the Commonwealth in improving mathematics assessment scores and learning outcomes across public schools in the Commonwealth as a whole and disaggregated by school division, school, and grade level; and (iv) perform such other tasks as assigned by the Director of the Office.

E. The Director, in consultation with the regional coordinators hired pursuant to subsection C and the Department, shall establish for the purpose of evaluating and making recommendations relating to mathematics education and instruction improvement for (i) kindergarten through grade five, the Elementary School Mathematics Advisory Task Force; (ii) grades six through eight, the Middle School Mathematics Advisory Task Force; and (iii) grades nine through 12, the High School Mathematics Advisory Task Force. Each mathematics advisory task force shall consist of a diverse group of stakeholders, including mathematics teachers, instructional coaches, school administrators and at least one division superintendent, one representative of an institution of higher education, and one member of a school board, to be appointed by the Director of the Office. Members of each mathematics advisory task force shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Each mathematics advisory task force shall:

1. For the applicable grade range, evaluate and make recommendations relating to the quality and effectiveness of professional development opportunities for mathematics instruction, screening assessments, commercially developed curricula, and any instructional guidelines developed by the Department;

2. Provide input to the Director on such other matters relating to mathematics improvement initiatives, programs, and policies as deemed necessary by the Director;

3. Meet at least four times annually for the purposes of establishing agendas, conducting votes, and developing recommendations; and

4. Compile and annually submit to the Department, the Board, and the Office all recommendations developed in accordance with subdivision 3. The Office, in coordination with each regional coordinator hired pursuant to subsection C, shall annually disseminate to each school division the annual reports developed by each mathematics improvement task force in accordance with this subdivision.

§ 22.1-199.9. Summer Mathematics Intervention Grant Program established; guidelines and implementation.

A. With such funds as may be appropriated for such purpose pursuant to the general appropriation act, the Department shall establish and the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8 shall administer the Summer Mathematics Intervention Grant Program for the purpose of annually awarding grants on a competitive basis to eligible school boards to support the development or enhancement of summer mathematics intervention programs designed to prepare students for academic success in mathematics in grades six through eight.

B. Beginning with the fiscal year starting on July 1, 2026, any school board shall be eligible to annually apply for a grant under this section in accordance with the application requirements established by the Department pursuant to subsection D. Such application shall include a plan to develop and implement a new or enhance an existing summer mathematics intervention program that is (i) offered at no cost to students who are entering the fourth or fifth grade and have been identified through relevant diagnostic assessments or Standards of Learning mathematics assessments administered pursuant to § 22.1-253.13:3 as demonstrating a need for mathematics remediation and intervention and (ii) designed to provide targeted mathematics remediation and intervention to support such students in reaching grade-level proficiency before the start of sixth grade. In awarding grants under this section, the Department and the Office shall give priority to applications submitted by school boards of school divisions that contain any school for which the Standards of Learning mathematics assessment pass rate ranks in the bottom 20 percent of all public schools in the Commonwealth.

C. The aggregate amount of grants awarded under this section to each eligible school board selected in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2026, shall not exceed $4 million. The total annual amount of grant funding appropriated for the award of grants under this section shall be adjusted biennially for inflation as a part of the rebenchmarking process to ensure adequate support for the Summer Mathematics Intervention Grant Program.

D. The Department, in collaboration with the Office, shall develop and make available by February 1, 2026, (i) an annual application form; (ii) any application requirements, procedures, or deadlines as deemed necessary for the proper administration of the program; and (iii) guidelines relating to grant eligibility, application, and administration requirements.

§ 22.1-199.10. Advanced Placement Mathematics Exam Fee Elimination Fund and Program.

A. There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Advanced Placement Mathematics Exam Fee Elimination Fund, referred to in this section as "the Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All funds appropriated for such purpose and any gifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds received on its behalf shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of awarding grants to school divisions pursuant to the Advanced Placement Mathematics Exam Fee Elimination Program established pursuant to subsection B. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Superintendent.

B. The Advanced Placement Mathematics Exam Fee Elimination Program (the Program) is established for the purpose of covering all applicable fees associated with taking any Advanced Placement mathematics exam for any public high school student who qualifies as an identified student, as that term is defined in § 22.1-207.4:1. Beginning with the fiscal year starting on July 1, 2026, any school board may apply for a grant under this section on behalf of any such student enrolled in the applicable school division. The Program shall be administered by the Department in cooperation with the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8. Pursuant to the Program, the Department and the Office shall annually transfer to each school board a grant in a sum sufficient to cover all such fees of each eligible student for whom an application was submitted in the applicable school division.

C. The Department, in collaboration with the Office, shall establish such rules, policies, and procedures as it deems necessary or appropriate for the administration of the Program.

D. Each school board shall annually notify the parent of each public high school student in the applicable school division who qualifies as an identified student in accordance with subsection B of the opportunity for the student to take an Advanced Placement mathematics exam at no cost.

§ 22.1-199.11. Mathematics Improvement and School Support Grant Program.

A. With such funds as may be appropriated for such purpose pursuant to the general appropriation act, the Department shall establish and the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8 shall administer the Mathematics Improvement and School Support Grant Program (the Program) for the purpose of awarding grants to school divisions for the expansion of Algebra I and Geometry mathematics course offerings available to students in grades seven and eight.

B. Beginning with the fiscal year starting on July 1, 2026, any school board shall be eligible to annually apply for a grant under this section in accordance with the application guidelines established by the Department in accordance with subsection C. The annual grant awarded to each school board selected under this section shall not exceed (i) $10,000 per school with a student population of less than 500 students in the applicable school division and (ii) $15,000 per school with a student population of 500 or more students in the applicable school division. No more than $3.4 million per year shall be allocated by the Program for the award of such grants. In awarding grants pursuant to the Program, the Department and the Office shall give priority to school divisions that contain any school for which the Standards of Learning mathematics pass rate ranks in the bottom 20 percent of all public schools in the Commonwealth. Any grant funds awarded to a school division pursuant to the Program may be used to (i) provide additional professional development or training relating to mathematics instruction for teachers, (ii) cover any costs associated with the attainment of Algebra I or Geometry add-on endorsements for teachers, including compensation for the time used to earn such endorsements, and (iii) cover any other costs associated with expanding school Algebra I and Geometry mathematics course capacity and offerings for students in grades seven and eight in the applicable school division.

C. The Department, in collaboration with the Office, shall develop and make available by February 1, 2026, (i) an annual application form; (ii) any application requirements, procedures, or deadlines as deemed necessary for the proper administration of the Program; and (iii) guidelines relating to grant eligibility, application, and administration requirements.

§ 22.1-212.2. Virtual Virginia.

A. From such funds as are appropriated, the Department of Education shall establish a statewide electronic classroom to be known as the Virtual Virginia Program. Virtual Virginia shall be made available to every public high school in Virginia.

B. The Department may utilize the services of the Commonwealth's educational television stations and other providers, as well as any other appropriate technology for the purposes of implementing Virtual Virginia.

The services of this program shall be limited to educational purposes. Educational purposes shall include, but not be limited to, instruction in subject areas that are not available in all schools and in-service training for instructional, administrative, and support personnel.

C. The Department may contract with one or more local school boards that have created online courses to make one or more such courses available to other school divisions through the Virtual Virginia Program. The Department shall approve all courses offered through Virtual Virginia, including those made available by local school boards to other school divisions. A school board that makes one or more of its online courses available to other school divisions through Virtual Virginia (i) shall not be considered a multidivision online provider pursuant to § 22.1-212.23 and (ii) may charge a per-course or per-student fee to school divisions to defray the costs of developing the course and providing course instruction using teachers employed by the offering school board. The Department shall approve any such fee schedule before a school board offers any such online courses through Virtual Virginia.

D. The Department shall establish the Virtual Learning Advisory Committee (the Committee), which shall consist of one superintendent or his designee from each of the eight superintendent's regions, the Superintendent of Public Instruction or his designee, and such other members as the Department deems appropriate, not to exceed three additional members. The contractor that manages Virtual Virginia shall serve as a nonvoting ex officio member. The Committee shall advise the Department on (i) online courses, in-service training, and digital instructional resources that school divisions need to meet the Commonwealth's graduation requirements and (ii) strategic planning to expand blended and online learning opportunities in Virginia's public schools, including cost-effective access to high-need and low-demand courses, training, content, and digital resources.

E. With such funds as are appropriated for such purpose, the Department shall provide for the expansion of advanced mathematics courses offered through Virtual Virginia for the purpose of ensuring that students attending each public school in each school division in the Commonwealth have access to a full range of advanced mathematics courses. In providing for the expansion of advanced mathematics courses offered through Virtual Virginia, the Department, in consultation with the Office of Mathematics Improvement established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8, shall ensure that such advanced mathematics course offerings are rigorous and designed to prepare students for a wide range of post-secondary careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

§ 22.1-253.13:1. Standard 1. Instructional programs supporting the Standards of Learning and other educational objectives.

A. The General Assembly and the Board believe that the fundamental goal of the public schools of the Commonwealth must be to enable each student to develop the skills that are necessary for success in school, preparation for life, and reaching their full potential. The General Assembly and the Board find that the quality of education is dependent upon the provision of (i) the appropriate working environment, benefits, and salaries necessary to ensure the availability of high-quality instructional personnel; (ii) the appropriate learning environment designed to promote student achievement; (iii) quality instruction that enables each student to become a productive and educated citizen of Virginia and the United States of America; and (iv) the adequate commitment of other resources. In keeping with this goal, the General Assembly shall provide for the support of public education as set forth in Article VIII, § 1 of the Constitution of Virginia.

B. The Board shall establish educational objectives known as the Standards of Learning, which shall form the core of Virginia's educational program, and other educational objectives, which together are designed to ensure the development of the skills that are necessary for success in school and for preparation for life in the years beyond. At a minimum, the Board shall establish Standards of Learning for English, mathematics, science, and history and social science. The Standards of Learning shall not be construed to be regulations as defined in § 2.2-4001.

The Board shall seek to ensure that the Standards of Learning are consistent with a high-quality foundation educational program. The Standards of Learning shall include, but not be limited to, the basic skills of communication (listening, speaking, reading, and writing); computation and critical reasoning, including problem solving and decision making; proficiency in the use of computers and related technology; computer science and computational thinking, including computer coding; and the skills to manage personal finances and to make sound financial decisions.

The English Standards of Learning for reading in kindergarten through grade eight shall align with evidence-based literacy instruction and science-based reading research.

The Standards of Learning in all subject areas shall be subject to regular review and revision to maintain rigor and to reflect a balance between content knowledge and the application of knowledge in preparation for eventual employment and lifelong learning. The Board shall establish a regular schedule, in a manner it deems appropriate, for the review, and revision as may be necessary, of the Standards of Learning in all subject areas. Such review of each subject area shall occur at least once every seven years. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Board from conducting such review and revision on a more frequent basis.

To provide appropriate opportunity for input from the general public, teachers, and local school boards, the Board shall conduct public hearings prior to establishing revised Standards of Learning. Thirty days prior to conducting such hearings, the Board shall give notice of the date, time, and place of the hearings to all local school boards and any other persons requesting to be notified of the hearings and publish notice of its intention to revise the Standards of Learning in the Virginia Register of Regulations. Interested parties shall be given reasonable opportunity to be heard and present information prior to final adoption of any revisions of the Standards of Learning.

In addition, the Department shall make available and maintain a website, either separately or through an existing website utilized by the Department, enabling public elementary, middle, and high school educators to submit recommendations for improvements relating to the Standards of Learning, when under review by the Board according to its established schedule, and related assessments required by the Standards of Quality pursuant to this chapter. Such website shall facilitate the submission of recommendations by educators.

School boards shall implement the Standards of Learning or objectives specifically designed for their school divisions that are equivalent to or exceed the Board's requirements. Students shall be expected to achieve the educational objectives established by the school division at appropriate age or grade levels. The curriculum adopted by the local school division shall be aligned to the Standards of Learning.

The Board shall include in the Standards of Learning for history and social science the study of contributions to society of diverse people. For the purposes of this subsection, "diverse" includes consideration of disability, ethnicity, race, and gender.

The Board shall include in the Standards of Learning for health instruction in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of an automated external defibrillator, including hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Such instruction shall be based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. No teacher who is in compliance with subdivision D 3 of § 22.1-298.1 shall be required to be certified as a trainer of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to provide instruction for non-certification.

The Board shall include in the Standards of Learning for physical and health education for grade nine or 10 research-based hazing prevention instruction, in accordance with the Standards of Learning and curriculum guidelines for research-based hazing prevention instruction developed by the Board pursuant to subsection B of § 22.1-207.

With such funds as are made available for this purpose, the Board shall regularly review and revise the competencies for career and technical education programs to require the full integration of English, mathematics, science, and history and social science Standards of Learning. Career and technical education programs shall be aligned with industry and professional standard certifications, where they exist.

The Board shall establish content standards and curriculum guidelines for courses in career investigation in elementary school, middle school, and high school. Each school board shall (i) require each middle school student to take at least one course in career investigation or (ii) select an alternate means of delivering the career investigation course to each middle school student, provided that such alternative is equivalent in content and rigor and provides the foundation for such students to develop their academic and career plans. Any school board may require (a) such courses in career investigation at the high school level as it deems appropriate, subject to Board approval as required in subsection A of § 22.1-253.13:4, and (b) such courses in career investigation at the elementary school level as it deems appropriate. The Board shall develop and disseminate to each school board career investigation resource materials that are designed to ensure that students have the ability to further explore interest in career and technical education opportunities in middle and high school. In developing such resource materials, the Board shall consult with representatives of career and technical education, industry, skilled trade associations, chambers of commerce or similar organizations, and contractor organizations.

C. Local school boards shall develop and implement a program of instruction for grades K through 12 that is aligned to the Standards of Learning and meets or exceeds the requirements of the Board. The program of instruction shall emphasize reading, writing, speaking, mathematical concepts and computations, proficiency in the use of computers and related technology, computer science and computational thinking, including computer coding, and scientific concepts and processes; essential skills and concepts of citizenship, including knowledge of Virginia history and world and United States history, economics, government, foreign languages, international cultures, health and physical education, environmental issues, and geography necessary for responsible participation in American society and in the international community; fine arts, which may include, but need not be limited to, music and art, and practical arts; knowledge and skills needed to qualify for further education, gainful employment, or training in a career or technical field; and development of the ability to apply such skills and knowledge in preparation for eventual employment and lifelong learning and to achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Local school boards shall also develop and implement programs of prevention, intervention, or remediation for students who are educationally at risk including, but not limited to, those who fail to achieve a passing score on any Standards of Learning assessment in grades three through eight or who fail an end-of-course test required for the award of a verified unit of credit. Such programs shall include components that are research-based.

Any student who achieves a passing score on one or more, but not all, of the Standards of Learning assessments for the relevant grade level in grades three through eight may be required to attend a remediation program.

Any student who fails to achieve a passing score on all of the Standards of Learning assessments for the relevant grade level in grades three through eight or who fails an end-of-course test required for the award of a verified unit of credit shall be required to attend a remediation program or to participate in another form of remediation. Division superintendents shall require such students to take special programs of prevention, intervention, or remediation, which may include attendance in public summer school programs, in accordance with clause (ii) of subsection A of § 22.1-254 and § 22.1-254.01.

Remediation programs shall include, when applicable, a procedure for early identification of students who are at risk of failing the Standards of Learning assessments in grades three through eight or who fail an end-of-course test required for the award of a verified unit of credit. Such programs may also include summer school for all elementary and middle school grades and for all high school academic courses, as defined by regulations promulgated by the Board, or other forms of remediation. Summer school remediation programs or other forms of remediation shall be chosen by the division superintendent to be appropriate to the academic needs of the student. Students who are required to attend such summer school programs or to participate in another form of remediation shall not be charged tuition by the school division.

The requirement for remediation may, however, be satisfied by the student's attendance in a program of prevention, intervention or remediation that has been selected by his parent, in consultation with the division superintendent or his designee, and is either (i) conducted by an accredited private school or (ii) a special program that has been determined to be comparable to the required public school remediation program by the division superintendent. The costs of such private school remediation program or other special remediation program shall be borne by the student's parent.

The Board shall establish standards for full funding of summer remedial programs that shall include, but not be limited to, the minimum number of instructional hours or the equivalent thereof required for full funding and an assessment system designed to evaluate program effectiveness. Based on the number of students attending and the Commonwealth's share of the per pupil instructional costs, state funds shall be provided for the full cost of summer and other remediation programs as set forth in the appropriation act, provided such programs comply with such standards as shall be established by the Board, pursuant to § 22.1-199.2.

D. Local school boards shall also implement the following:

1. Programs in grades K through three that emphasize developmentally appropriate learning to enhance success.

2. Programs based on prevention, intervention, or remediation designed to increase the number of students who earn a high school diploma and to prevent students from dropping out of school. Such programs shall include components that are research-based.

3. Career and technical education programs incorporated into the K through 12 curricula that include:

a. Knowledge of careers and all types of employment opportunities, including, but not limited to, apprenticeships, entrepreneurship and small business ownership, the military, and the teaching profession, and emphasize the advantages of completing school with marketable skills;

b. Career exploration opportunities in the middle school grades;

c. Competency-based career and technical education programs that integrate academic outcomes, career guidance, and job-seeking skills for all secondary students. Programs shall be based upon labor market needs and student interest. Career guidance shall include counseling about available employment opportunities and placement services for students exiting school. Each school board shall develop and implement a plan to ensure compliance with the provisions of this subdivision. Such plan shall be developed with the input of area business and industry representatives and local comprehensive community colleges and shall be submitted to the Superintendent in accordance with the timelines established by federal law;

d. Annual notice on its website to enrolled high school students and their parents of (i) the availability of the postsecondary education and employment data published by the State Council of Higher Education on its website pursuant to § 23.1-204.1 and (ii) the opportunity for such students to obtain a nationally recognized career readiness certificate at a local public high school, comprehensive community college, or workforce center; and

e. As part of each student's academic and career plan, a list of (i) the top 100 professions in the Commonwealth by median pay and the education, training, and skills required for each such profession and (ii) the top 10 degree programs at institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth by median pay of program graduates. The Department shall annually compile such lists and provide them to each local school board.

4. Educational objectives in middle and high school that emphasize economic education and financial literacy pursuant to § 22.1-200.03.

5. Early identification of students with disabilities and enrollment of such students in appropriate instructional programs consistent with state and federal law.

6. Early identification of gifted students and enrollment of such students in appropriately differentiated instructional programs.

7. Educational alternatives for students whose needs are not met in programs prescribed elsewhere in these standards. Such students shall be counted in average daily membership (ADM) in accordance with the regulations of the Board.

8. Adult education programs for individuals functioning below the high school completion level. Such programs may be conducted by the school board as the primary agency or through a collaborative arrangement between the school board and other agencies.

9. A plan to make achievements for students who are educationally at risk a divisionwide priority that shall include procedures for measuring the progress of such students.

10. An agreement for postsecondary credit and degree attainment with any comprehensive community college in the Commonwealth specifying the options for students to complete an associate degree, a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies, or the Passport Program from a comprehensive community college concurrent with a high school diploma, consistent with the requirements for the College and Career Ready Virginia Program set forth in Article 5.1 (§ 22.1-237.1 et seq.) of Chapter 13. Such agreement shall specify the credit available for dual enrollment courses and Advanced Placement courses with qualifying exam scores of three or higher.

11. A plan to notify students and their parents of the availability of dual enrollment and advanced placement classes; career and technical education programs, including internships, externships, apprenticeships, credentialing programs, certification programs, licensure programs, and other work-based learning experiences; the International Baccalaureate Program and Academic Year Governor's School Programs; the qualifications for enrolling in such classes, programs, and experiences; and the availability of financial assistance to low-income and needy students to take the advanced placement and International Baccalaureate examinations. This plan shall include notification to students and parents of the College and Career Ready Virginia Program established pursuant to Article 5.1. (§ 22.1-237.1 et seq.) of Chapter 13 and its agreement with a comprehensive community college in the Commonwealth pursuant to subdivision 10 to enable students to complete an associate degree, a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies, or the Passport Program concurrent with a high school diploma.

12. Identification of students with limited English proficiency and enrollment of such students in appropriate instructional programs, which programs may include dual language programs whereby such students receive instruction in English and in a second language.

13. Early identification, diagnosis, and assistance for students with mathematics problems and provision of instructional strategies and mathematics practices that benefit the development of mathematics skills for all students.

Local school divisions shall provide algebra readiness intervention services to students in grades six through nine who are at risk of failing the Algebra I end-of-course test, as demonstrated by their individual performance on any diagnostic test that has been approved by the Department. Local school divisions shall report the results of the diagnostic tests to the Department on an annual basis, at a time to be determined by the Superintendent. Each student who receives algebra readiness intervention services will be assessed again at the end of that school year. Funds appropriated for prevention, intervention, and remediation; summer school remediation; at-risk; or algebra readiness intervention services may be used to meet the requirements of this subdivision.

14. Incorporation of art, music, and physical education as a part of the instructional program at the elementary school level.

15. A program of physical activity available to all students in grades kindergarten through five consisting of at least 20 minutes per day or an average of 100 minutes per week during the regular school year and available to all students in grades six through 12 with a goal of at least 150 minutes per week on average during the regular school year. Such program may include any combination of (i) physical education classes, (ii) extracurricular athletics, (iii) recess, or (iv) other programs and physical activities deemed appropriate by the local school board. Each local school board shall implement such program during the regular school year. Any physical education class offered to students in grades seven and eight shall include at least one hour of personal safety training per school year in each such grade level that is developed and delivered in partnership with the local law-enforcement agency and consists of situational safety awareness training and social media education. Each local school board shall offer to all students in grade nine or 10 a physical education class that includes research-based hazing prevention instruction pursuant to subsection C of § 22.1-207, unless such hazing prevention instruction is provided as part of a separate health education class offered to students in grade nine or 10. Each local school board may accept participation in the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps as fulfillment of any physical education requirements applicable to students in grades nine through 12.

16. A program of student services for kindergarten through grade 12 that shall be designed to aid students in their educational, social, and career development.

17. The collection and analysis of data and the use of the results to evaluate and make decisions about the instructional program.

18. A program of instruction in the high school Virginia and U.S. Government course on all information and concepts contained in the civics portion of the U.S. Naturalization Test.

E. From such funds as may be appropriated or otherwise received for such purpose, there shall be established within the Department a unit to (i) conduct evaluative studies; (ii) provide the resources and technical assistance to increase the capacity for school divisions to deliver quality instruction; and (iii) assist school divisions in implementing those programs and practices that will enhance pupil academic performance and improve family and community involvement in the public schools. Such unit shall identify and analyze effective instructional programs and practices and professional development initiatives; evaluate the success of programs encouraging parental and family involvement; assess changes in student outcomes prompted by family involvement; and collect and disseminate among school divisions information regarding effective instructional programs and practices, initiatives promoting family and community involvement, and potential funding and support sources. Such unit may also provide resources supporting professional development for administrators and teachers. In providing such information, resources, and other services to school divisions, the unit shall give priority to those divisions demonstrating a less than 70 percent passing rate on the Standards of Learning assessments.

F. The Board shall, in collaboration with the Virginia Community College System, Career and Technical Education directors, and industry partners, develop and maintain a current, comprehensive, and uniform list of industry-recognized workforce credentials that students may take as a substitute for certain credits required for graduation pursuant to 8VAC20-131-51 of the Virginia Administrative Code, including industry-recognized workforce credentials that students may take as a substitute for elective credits and industry-recognized workforce credentials completed outside of regular school hours. The Board, in collaboration with the Virginia Community College System, shall ensure that such list reflects the current credit requirements for graduation and the current credentials accepted as substitutes. The Board shall post such list in a publicly accessible location on its website. Each school board shall accept as a substitute for a required credit any credential listed as an accepted substitute for such required credit.

G. Each local school board may enter into agreements for postsecondary course credit, credential, certification, or license attainment, hereinafter referred to as College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships (Partnerships), with comprehensive community colleges or other public institutions of higher education or educational institutions established pursuant to Title 23.1 that offer a career and technical education curriculum. Such Partnerships shall (i) specify the options for students to take courses as part of the career and technical education curriculum that lead to course credit or an industry-recognized credential, certification, or license concurrent with a high school diploma; (ii) specify the credit, credentials, certifications, or licenses available for such courses; (iii) specify the industry-recognized credentials that are accepted as substitutes for certain credits required for high school graduation, consistent with the list developed and maintained by the Board pursuant to subsection F; and (iv) specify available options for students to participate in pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs at comprehensive community colleges concurrent with the pursuit of a high school diploma and receive college credit and high school credit for successful completion of any such program.

H. Each local school board shall provide a program of literacy instruction that is aligned with science-based reading research and provides evidenced-based literacy instruction to students in kindergarten through grade eight and is consistent with the school board's literacy plan as required by subsection B of § 22.1-253.13:6. Pursuant to such program:

1. Each local school board shall provide reading intervention services to students in kindergarten through grade eight who demonstrate substantial deficiencies based on their individual performance on the Standards of Learning reading assessment or a literacy screener provided by the Department. Such reading intervention services shall consist of evidence-based literacy instruction, align with science-based reading research, and be documented for each student in a written student reading plan, consistent with the requirements in subdivision 2 and the list developed by the Department pursuant to subdivision I 2.

2. A reading specialist, in collaboration with the teacher of any student who receives reading intervention services pursuant to subdivision 1, shall develop, oversee implementation of, and monitor student progress on a student reading plan. The parent of each student who receives reading intervention services pursuant to subdivision 1 shall receive notice of and have the opportunity to participate in the development of the student reading plan. Each student reading plan (i) shall follow the Department template created pursuant to subdivision I 3; (ii) shall document such reading intervention services; (iii) shall include, at a minimum, (a) the student's specific, diagnosed reading skill deficiencies as determined or identified by diagnostic assessment data or the literacy screener provided by the Department; (b) the goals and benchmarks for student growth in reading; (c) a description of the specific measures that will be used to evaluate and monitor the student's reading progress; (d) the specific evidence-based literacy instruction that the student will receive; (e) the strategies, resources, and materials that will be provided to the student's parent to support the student to make reading progress; and (f) any additional services the teacher deems available and appropriate to accelerate the student's reading skill development; and (iv) may include the following services for the student: instruction from a reading specialist, trained aide, computer-based reading tutorial program, or classroom teacher with support from an aide, extended instructional time in the school day or school year, or, for students in grades six through eight, a literacy course, in addition to the course required by the Standards of Learning in English, that provides the specific evidence-based literacy instruction identified in the student's reading plan. In accordance with § 22.1-215.2, the parent of each student shall receive notice before services begin and a copy of the student reading plan.

3. Each student who receives such reading intervention services shall be assessed utilizing either the literacy screener provided by the Department or the grade-level reading Standards of Learning assessment again at the end of that school year.

Funds appropriated for prevention, intervention, and remediation, summer school remediation, the at-risk add-on, or early intervention reading may be used to meet the requirements of this subsection.

I. In order to assist local school boards to implement the provisions of subsection H:

1. The Board shall provide guidance on the content of student reading plans;

2. The Department shall develop a list of core literacy curricula for students in kindergarten through grade five and supplemental instruction practices and programs and intervention programs for students in kindergarten through grade eight that consist of evidence-based literacy instruction aligned with science-based reading research. The list shall be approved by the Board;

3. The Department shall develop a template for student reading plans that aligns with the requirements of subsection H;

4. The Department shall develop and implement a plan for the annual collection and public reporting of division-level and school-level literacy data, at a time to be determined by the Superintendent, to include results on the literacy screeners provided by the Department and the reading Standards of Learning assessments; and

5. The Department shall provide free online evidence-based literacy instruction resources that can be accessed by parents and local school boards to support student literacy development at home.

I. To ensure the provision of consistent and high-quality instruction in each advanced mathematics course available for students to take as a substitute for Algebra II to earn an Advanced Studies Diploma, including Trigonometry, Computer Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, and Data Science, for each such course:

1. The Department, in collaboration with the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8, shall develop and distribute to each school board a comprehensive instructional guide that shall include the applicable curriculum frameworks, best practices for providing instruction, and assessment strategies;

2. The Professional Development Coordinator of the Office, in collaboration with the Department, the High School Mathematics Advisory Task Force established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8, and such other entities as deemed necessary, shall develop and make available to each school board by April 1, 2027, online training programs and modules to be used as a resource to prepare teachers to provide instruction in the applicable advanced mathematics course; and

3. The Department, in collaboration with the Office, shall update the comprehensive instructional guide developed pursuant to subdivision 1 and the online training programs and modules developed pursuant to subdivision 2 to ensure that such materials reflect the most current instructional best practices, course offerings, and workforce and post-secondary demands and expectations and are aligned with the latest Standards of Learning. The Superintendent shall promptly notify each division superintendent of any update made to such materials pursuant to this subdivision.

§ 22.1-253.13:2. Standard 2. Instructional, administrative, and support personnel.

A. The Board shall establish requirements for the licensing of teachers, principals, superintendents, and other professional personnel.

B. School boards shall employ licensed instructional personnel qualified in the relevant subject areas.

C. Each school board shall assign licensed instructional personnel in a manner that produces divisionwide ratios of students in average daily membership to full-time equivalent teaching positions, excluding special education teachers, principals, assistant principals, school counselors or certain other licensed individuals as set forth in subdivision H 4, and librarians, that are not greater than the following ratios: (i) 24 to one in kindergarten with no class being larger than 29 students; if the average daily membership in any kindergarten class exceeds 24 pupils, a full-time teacher's aide shall be assigned to the class; (ii) 24 to one in grades one, two, and three with no class being larger than 30 students; (iii) 25 to one in grades four through six with no class being larger than 35 students; and (iv) 24 to one in English classes in grades six through 12. After September 30 of any school year, anytime the number of students in a class exceeds the class size limit established by this subsection, the local school division shall notify the parent of each student in such class of such fact no later than 10 days after the date on which the class exceeded the class size limit. Such notification shall state the reason that the class size exceeds the class size limit and describe the measures that the local school division will take to reduce the class size to comply with this subsection.

Within its regulations governing special education programs, the Board shall seek to set pupil/teacher ratios for pupils with intellectual disability that do not exceed the pupil/teacher ratios for self-contained classes for pupils with specific learning disabilities.

Further, school boards shall assign instructional personnel in a manner that produces schoolwide ratios of students in average daily memberships to full-time equivalent teaching positions of 21 to one in middle schools and high schools. School divisions shall provide all middle and high school teachers with one planning period per day or the equivalent, unencumbered of any teaching or supervisory duties.

D. Each local school board shall employ with state and local basic, special education, gifted, and career and technical education funds a minimum number of licensed, full-time equivalent instructional personnel for each 1,000 students in average daily membership (ADM) as set forth in the appropriation act.

E. In addition to the positions supported by basic aid and in support of regular school year programs of prevention, intervention, and remediation, state funding, pursuant to the appropriation act, shall be provided to fund certain full-time equivalent instructional positions for each 1,000 students in grades K through 12 who are identified as needing prevention, intervention, and remediation services. State funding for prevention, intervention, and remediation programs provided pursuant to this subsection and the appropriation act may be used to support programs for educationally at-risk students as identified by the local school boards.

To provide algebra readiness intervention services required by § 22.1-253.13:1, school divisions may employ mathematics teacher specialists to provide the required algebra readiness intervention services. School divisions using the Standards of Learning Algebra Readiness Initiative funding in this manner shall only employ instructional personnel licensed by the Board.

E. In addition to the full-time equivalent positions required elsewhere in this section, state funding, pursuant to the appropriation act, shall be provided to support and each school board shall employ (i) one mathematics specialist for every 550 students in kindergarten through grade five starting in the 2027–2028 school year and in each school year thereafter through the 2027–2028 school year and (ii) one mathematics specialist for every 550 students in kindergarten through grade eight starting in the 2028–2029 school year and in each school year thereafter. To provide flexibility in meeting the mathematics specialist staffing requirements, a school board may use such state funding to support an instructional faculty member currently employed by such school board in earning the necessary credentials for licensure as a mathematics specialist or obtaining a mathematics specialist endorsement or a mathematics specialist microcredential pursuant to § 22.1-299.7:2, provided that (i) such state funding may only be used to cover costs associated with completing the requisite professional development or training or to reimburse such faculty member at his regular hourly rate of pay for the time spent completing such professional development or training; (ii) the faculty member begins working toward completing the requirements for such licensure in the 2026–2027 school year; and (iii) the school board submits to the Department documentation verifying the use of such funds in accordance with clauses (i) and (ii), including itemized documentation of such costs. Any locality receiving such state funding shall provide matching funds based on the composite index of local ability-to-pay. State funding may be awarded on a pro rata basis to any school board that employs a mathematics specialist after the start of the school year for the purpose of meeting the mathematics specialist staffing requirements.

F. In addition to the positions supported by basic aid and those in support of regular school year programs of prevention, intervention, and remediation, state funding, pursuant to the general appropriation act, shall be provided to support ratios of instructional positions to English language learner students, based on each such student's English proficiency level, as established in the general appropriation act, which positions may include dual language teachers who provide instruction in English and in a second language.

To provide flexibility in the instruction of English language learners who have limited English proficiency and who are at risk of not meeting state accountability standards, school divisions may use state and local funds from the Standards of Quality Prevention, Intervention, and Remediation account to employ additional English language learner teachers or dual language teachers to provide instruction to identified limited English proficiency students. Using these funds in this manner is intended to supplement the instructional services provided in this section. School divisions using the SOQ Prevention, Intervention, and Remediation funds in this manner shall employ only instructional personnel licensed by the Board.

G. In addition to the full-time equivalent positions required elsewhere in this section, each local school board shall employ one reading specialist for each 550 students in kindergarten through grade five and one reading specialist for each 1,100 students in grades six through eight. Each such reading specialist shall have training in science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction practices. In addition, each such reading specialist shall have training in the identification of and the appropriate interventions, accommodations, and teaching techniques for students with dyslexia or a related disorder and shall serve as an advisor on dyslexia and related disorders. Such reading specialist shall have an understanding of the definition of dyslexia and a working knowledge of (i) techniques to help a student on the continuum of skills with dyslexia; (ii) dyslexia characteristics that may manifest at different ages and grade levels; (iii) the basic foundation of the keys to reading, including multisensory, explicit, systemic, and structured reading instruction; and (iv) appropriate interventions, accommodations, and assistive technology supports for students with dyslexia.

To provide reading intervention services required by § 22.1-253.13:1, school divisions may employ reading specialists to provide the required reading intervention services. School divisions using the Early Reading Intervention Initiative funds in this manner shall employ only instructional personnel licensed by the Board. Local school divisions that employ a sufficient number of reading specialists to meet this staffing standard may assign reading specialists to grade levels according to grade levels with greatest need, regardless of the individual staffing standards established for grades kindergarten through five and six through eight.

H. Each local school board shall employ, at a minimum, the following full-time equivalent positions for any school that reports fall membership, according to student enrollment:

1. Principals, one full-time in each elementary school, middle school, and high school, to be employed on a 12-month basis;

2. Assistant principals in elementary schools, one half-time at 600 students, one full-time at 900 students; assistant principals in middle schools, one full-time for each 600 students; assistant principals in high schools, one full-time for each 600 students; and school divisions that employ a sufficient number of assistant principals to meet this staffing requirement may assign assistant principals to schools within the division according to the area of greatest need, regardless of whether such schools are elementary, middle, or secondary;

3. Librarians in elementary schools, one part-time to 299 students, one full-time at 300 students; librarians in middle schools, one-half time to 299 students, one full-time at 300 students, two full-time at 1,000 students; librarians in high schools, one half-time to 299 students, one full-time at 300 students, two full-time at 1,000 students. Local school divisions that employ a sufficient number of librarians to meet this staffing requirement may assign librarians to schools within the division according to the area of greatest need, regardless of whether such schools are elementary, middle, or secondary; and

4. School counselors, one full-time equivalent position per 325 students in grades kindergarten through 12. It shall be the goal of the Commonwealth for each school division to employ school counselors in a ratio of one full-time equivalent position per 250 students in grades kindergarten through 12. In furtherance of this goal, each school division shall first prioritize attaining that staffing ratio at such schools with the lowest Standards of Learning mathematics assessment pass rate in the school division.

However, in order to meet the staffing requirements set forth in this subdivision, any local school board (i) may employ, under a provisional license issued by the Department for three school years with an allowance for an additional two-year extension with the approval of the division superintendent, any professional counselor licensed by the Board of Counseling, clinical social worker licensed by the Board of Social Work, psychologist licensed by the Board of Psychology, or other licensed counseling professional with appropriate experience and training, provided that any such individual makes progress toward completing the requirements for full licensure as a school counselor during such period of employment or (ii) in the event that the school board does not receive any application from a licensed school counselor, professional counselor, clinical social worker, or psychologist or another licensed counseling professional with appropriate experience and training to fill a school counselor vacancy in the school division, may enter into an annual contract with another entity for the provision of school counseling services by a licensed professional counselor, clinical social worker, or psychologist or another licensed counseling professional with appropriate experience and training. Local school boards that employ a sufficient number of individuals to meet the staffing requirements set forth in this subdivision may assign such individuals to schools within the division according to the area of greatest need, regardless of whether such schools are elementary, middle, or high schools.

I. Local school boards shall employ five full-time equivalent positions per 1,000 students in grades kindergarten through five to serve as elementary resource teachers in art, music, and physical education.

J. Local school boards shall employ two full-time equivalent positions per 1,000 students in grades kindergarten through 12, one to provide technology support and one to serve as an instructional technology resource teacher.

To provide flexibility, school divisions may use the state and local funds for instructional technology resource teachers to employ a data coordinator position, an instructional technology resource teacher position, or a data coordinator/instructional resource teacher blended position. The data coordinator position is intended to serve as a resource to principals and classroom teachers in the area of data analysis and interpretation for instructional and school improvement purposes, as well as for overall data management and administration of state assessments. School divisions using these funds in this manner shall employ only instructional personnel licensed by the Board.

K. Local school boards may employ additional positions that exceed these minimal staffing requirements. These additional positions may include, but are not limited to, those funded through the state's incentive and categorical programs as set forth in the appropriation act.

L. A combined school, such as kindergarten through 12, shall meet at all grade levels the staffing requirements for the highest grade level in that school; this requirement shall apply to all staff, except for school counselors or certain other licensed individuals as set forth in subdivision H 4, and shall be based on the school's total enrollment. The Board may grant waivers from these staffing levels upon request from local school boards seeking to implement experimental or innovative programs that are not consistent with these staffing levels.

M. School boards shall, however, annually, on or before December 31, report to the public (i) the actual pupil/teacher ratios in elementary school classrooms in the local school division by school for the current school year; and (ii) the actual pupil/teacher ratios in middle school and high school in the local school division by school for the current school year. Actual pupil/teacher ratios shall include only the teachers who teach the grade and class on a full-time basis and shall exclude resource personnel. School boards shall report pupil/teacher ratios that include resource teachers in the same annual report. Any classes funded through the voluntary kindergarten through third grade class size reduction program shall be identified as such classes. Any classes having waivers to exceed the requirements of this subsection shall also be identified. Schools shall be identified; however, the data shall be compiled in a manner to ensure the confidentiality of all teacher and pupil identities.

N. Students enrolled in a public school on a less than full-time basis shall be counted in ADM in the relevant school division. Students who are either (i) enrolled in a nonpublic school or (ii) receiving home instruction pursuant to § 22.1-254.1, and who are enrolled in public school on a less than full-time basis in any mathematics, science, English, history, social science, career and technical education, fine arts, foreign language, or health education or physical education course shall be counted in the ADM in the relevant school division on a pro rata basis as provided in the appropriation act. Each such course enrollment by such students shall be counted as 0.25 in the ADM; however, no such nonpublic or home school student shall be counted as more than one-half a student for purposes of such pro rata calculation. Such calculation shall not include enrollments of such students in any other public school courses.

O. Each school board shall provide at least three specialized student support positions per 1,000 students. For purposes of this subsection, specialized student support positions include school social workers, school psychologists, school nurses, licensed behavior analysts, licensed assistant behavior analysts, and other licensed health and behavioral positions, which may either be employed by the school board or provided through contracted services.

In order to fill vacant school psychologist positions, any local school board may employ, under a provisional license issued by the Department for three school years with an allowance for an additional two-year extension with the approval of the division superintendent, clinical psychologists licensed by the Board of Psychology, provided that any such individual makes progress toward completing the requirements for full licensure as a school psychologist during such period of employment.

P. Each local school board shall provide those support services that are necessary for the efficient and cost-effective operation and maintenance of its public schools.

For the purposes of this title, unless the context otherwise requires, "support services positions" shall include the following:

1. Executive policy and leadership positions, including school board members, superintendents and assistant superintendents;

2. Fiscal and human resources positions, including fiscal and audit operations;

3. Student support positions, including (i) social work administrative positions not included in subsection O; (ii) school counselor administrative positions not included in subdivision H 4; (iii) homebound administrative positions supporting instruction; (iv) attendance support positions related to truancy and dropout prevention; and (v) health and behavioral administrative positions not included in subsection O;

4. Instructional personnel support, including professional development positions and library and media positions not included in subdivision H 3;

5. Technology professional positions not included in subsection J;

6. Operation and maintenance positions, including facilities; pupil transportation positions; operation and maintenance professional and service positions; and security service, trade, and laborer positions;

7. Technical and clerical positions for fiscal and human resources, student support, instructional personnel support, operation and maintenance, administration, and technology; and

8. School-based clerical personnel in elementary schools; part-time to 299 students, one full-time at 300 students; clerical personnel in middle schools; one full-time and one additional full-time for each 600 students beyond 200 students and one full-time for the library at 750 students; clerical personnel in high schools; one full-time and one additional full-time for each 600 students beyond 200 students and one full-time for the library at 750 students. Local school divisions that employ a sufficient number of school-based clerical personnel to meet this staffing requirement may assign the clerical personnel to schools within the division according to the area of greatest need, regardless of whether such schools are elementary, middle, or secondary.

Pursuant to the appropriation act, support services shall be funded from basic school aid.

School divisions may use the state and local funds for support services to provide additional instructional services.

Q. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, when determining the assignment of instructional and other licensed personnel in subsections C through J, a local school board shall not be required to include full-time students of approved virtual school programs.

R. Each local school board shall designate a faculty member to serve as a special education parent/family liaison. The special education parent/family liaison shall serve as a resource to parents and families to understand and engage in (i) the referral, evaluation, reevaluation, and eligibility process if they suspect that their child has a disability and (ii) the IEP process and shall work in collaboration with the special education family support centers established pursuant to § 22.1-214.5. Each school board shall post the name of the designated special education parent/family liaison publicly on its website.

§ 22.1-299.2:1. Advanced Mathematics Teacher Incentive and Support Grant Program.

A. With such funds as may be appropriated for such purpose pursuant to the general appropriation act, the Department shall establish and the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8 shall administer the Advanced Mathematics Teacher Incentive and Support Grant Program (the Program) for the purpose of awarding grants to school boards for encouraging and preparing teachers to provide instruction in advanced mathematics courses beyond Algebra II. Any school board selected to receive a grant pursuant to this section may use grant funds to cover costs associated with (i) participation in relevant teacher preparation workshops; (ii) professional development, training courses, or certification programs; or (iii) other programs or modules on preparing teachers to provide instruction in advanced mathematics courses or enhancing the ability of teachers to provide instruction in advanced mathematics courses.

B. Beginning with the fiscal year starting on July 1, 2026, any school board shall be eligible to annually apply for a grant under this section in accordance with the application requirements developed by the Department pursuant to subsection C. No more than $1 million per year shall be allocated for the award of grants pursuant to the Program. In awarding grants under this section, the Department and the Office shall give priority to school divisions that contain any school for which the Standards of Learning mathematics pass rate ranks in the bottom 20 percent of all public schools in the Commonwealth.

C. The Department, in collaboration with the Office, shall develop and make available by February 1, 2026 (i) an annual application form; (ii) any application requirements, procedures, or deadlines deemed necessary for the proper administration of the Program; and (iii) guidelines relating to grant eligibility, application, and administration requirements.

§ 22.1-299.7:2. Microcredential program; mathematics specialists.

A. The Department shall establish and the Office of Mathematics Improvement (the Office) established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8 shall administer a microcredential program for the purpose of permitting any public elementary or secondary school teacher who holds a renewable or provisional license or any individual who participates in any alternate route to licensure program to earn a series of microcredentials in the mathematics specialist endorsement area. Such microcredential program shall require candidates to complete a performance-based assessment intended to allow the educator to demonstrate competency in evidence-based mathematics instruction as well as the identification of and appropriate interventions, accommodations, and teaching techniques for students with disabilities and English language learners. In establishing such microcredential program, the Department shall consult with faculty and staff of the mathematics specialist endorsement programs offered at George Mason University, Old Dominion University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and such other institutions as deemed relevant by the Department.

B. The Board shall issue guidance that determines how the series of microcredentials awarded to teachers pursuant to the microcredential program established pursuant to subsection A will be used to award an add-on endorsement as a mathematics specialist. Any add-on endorsement that results from the completion of such microcredential program shall be provisional for a period of five years.

C. The Department, in collaboration with the Office, shall develop a webpage providing information relating to the microcredential program established pursuant to subsection A, including any qualifying microcredential opportunities for the mathematics specialist endorsement and any acceptable microcredentials offered by other entities or programs within the Commonwealth that may count toward earning such endorsement.

D. A school board may employ a teacher with an add-on endorsement as a mathematics specialist pursuant to this section to satisfy the requirement set forth in subdivision E 1 of § 22.1-253.13:2 if such school board is unable to employ a teacher with a full endorsement as a mathematics specialist.

E. Teachers who hold a renewable license and who participate, through the microcredential program established in accordance with subsection A, in courses that do not contribute to an endorsement are eligible for professional development points toward renewal of their license for the number of in-person hours of coursework completed upon providing a certificate of such participation from the course provider.

2. That the Board of Education (the Board), in collaboration with the Department of Education (the Department) and representatives from public institutions of higher education, representatives from industry, school counselors, associations or entities that represent school counselors, mathematics instructors, school boards, division superintendents, parents of students currently enrolled in a public elementary or secondary school in the Commonwealth, and public school administrators, and such other stakeholders as the Board deems appropriate, shall develop a guidance document on best practices for school counselors to advise students in selecting mathematics course offerings that are appropriate for each student's grade level and mathematics proficiency and are aligned with each such student's personal, life, and professional goals. The Board shall finalize and the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall distribute to each division superintendent such guidance document by March 1, 2026. Each division superintendent shall certify to the Department by March 1 of the following year that (i) the guidance document was disseminated to each school counselor in the applicable school division and (ii) the best practices included in such document were integrated into the training or professional development provided to each school counselor in the applicable school division.

3. That the Board of Education (the Board), in collaboration with the Office of Mathematics Improvement and the Middle School Mathematics Advisory Task Force established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8 of the Code of Virginia, as created by this act, shall develop and approve by May 1, 2026, a Geometry add-on endorsement for teachers licensed by the Board to provide instruction in Geometry for students in kindergarten through grade eight.

4. That no later than July 1, 2026, the Board of Education shall amend its regulations establishing the criteria for earning an Algebra I add-on endorsement set forth in 8VAC20-23-440 to (i) eliminate the requirements that candidates complete coursework in calculus, Euclidian geometry, probability and statistics, and discrete mathematics and (ii) permit candidates to receive a passing score on the Praxis Algebra I (5162) add-on endorsement exam in lieu of the requirements that candidates complete course work in elementary functions, introductory college algebra, trigonometry, and linear algebra.

5. That the Office of Mathematics Improvement established pursuant to § 22.1-199.8 of the Code of Virginia, as created by this act, shall develop and distribute to each school board by July 1, 2027, guidance documents relating to best practices for sequencing and consolidating mathematics coursework for grades six through eight to permit students to complete Algebra I in the seventh or eighth grade and Geometry in the eighth grade and recommendations for determining whether a student in grade seven or grade eight is ready to take a course in Algebra I or Geometry.

6. That the Department of Education shall compile and post in a publicly accessible location on its website by August 1, 2026 and each year thereafter through August 1, 2035 a report detailing the impact of this act on (i) expanding the availability of advanced mathematics courses in each school division; (ii) increasing student participation in advanced mathematics courses; (iii) encouraging and enhancing teacher professional development relating to mathematics instruction; and (iv) improving Standards of Learning mathematics assessment scores for each school division (a) in the Commonwealth as a whole; (b) disaggregated by school division, grade level, and mathematics course; and (c) in each school for which the Standards of Learning mathematics assessment pass rate is in the bottom 20 percent of the Commonwealth as of the Standards of Learning assessment administration period immediately preceding the effective date of this act.
