WY Legislation | 2023 | General Session | Bills | Passed

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StanceBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
SF0109PassAN ACT relating to abortions; prohibiting chemical abortions as specified; providing criminal penalties; providing definitions; specifying exceptions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 190
HB0222PassAN ACT relating to water; creating a Wyoming Colorado River advisory committee; establishing the purpose and duties of the committee; providing duties of the state engineer; authorizing a position; providing an appropriation; requiring a report; and ...
Assigned Chapter Number 182
SF0080PassAN ACT relating to public health and safety; establishing visitation rights and limitations for specified health care facilities; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 183
SF0133PassAN ACT relating to education; prohibiting students of the male sex from competing on a team designated for students of the female sex as specified; prohibiting retaliation; providing for an administrative hearing as specified; alternatively providing...
Assigned Chapter Number 191
SF0127PassAN ACT relating to trade and commerce; creating the Wyoming Stable Token Act; creating the Wyoming stable token commission; authorizing the Wyoming stable token commission to issue Wyoming stable tokens as specified; providing for employees; specifyi...
Assigned Chapter Number 185
HB0152PassAN ACT relating to abortion; creating the Life is a Human Right Act; providing findings and purposes; prohibiting abortion; specifying criminal and regulatory penalties and civil remedies; providing exceptions; specifying applicability and severabili...
Assigned Chapter Number 184
SF0120PassAN ACT relating to crimes and criminal procedure; providing for the loss and restoration of rights as specified; creating a new misdemeanor offense; providing for the filing of certificates for restoration of rights as specified; amending a definitio...
Assigned Chapter Number 181
SF0174PassAN ACT relating to charter schools; creating the Wyoming charter school authorizing board; modifying the duties of the state superintendent of public instruction; defining terms; revising the process for approval and renewal of charter schools; modif...
Assigned Chapter Number 179
HB0093PassAN ACT relating to water development projects; authorizing construction of designated water projects; describing projects; specifying terms and conditions of funding for projects; providing grants; providing appropriations; amending the sponsor's con...
Assigned Chapter Number 180
HB0171PassAN ACT relating to state lands; providing that thirty (30) days notice shall be given before the lease of state lands; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.
Assigned Chapter Number 178
SF0167PassAN ACT relating to domestic violence protection; authorizing parties to remotely attend hearings for orders of protection as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 168
SF0147PassAN ACT relating to public works and contracts; prohibiting governmental entities from including specified terms related to labor organization agreements in construction related contracts and grants; providing exemptions; and providing for an effectiv...
Assigned Chapter Number 172
HB0064PassAN ACT relating to public funds; amending or eliminating unnecessary or obsolete borrowing authority or guarantees from the legislative stabilization reserve account as specified; repealing interfund loan authority for the unemployment compensation f...
Assigned Chapter Number 165
HB0033PassAN ACT relating to school finance; establishing competitive grants for public schools to purchase career and technical education supplies, materials and equipment; requiring rulemaking; requiring reporting; making conforming amendments; appropriating...
Assigned Chapter Number 164
SF0137PassAN ACT relating to planning and zoning; requiring subdividers to construct and pay costs for perimeter fences as specified; specifying requirements for perimeter fences for subdivisions; specifying financial responsibility for maintaining perimeter f...
Assigned Chapter Number 173
SF0042PassAN ACT relating to tobacco taxes; providing that the tax on a cigar, snuff and other tobacco products are due following the sale of the cigar; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 176
SF0083PassAN ACT relating to K-12 school facility leasing; modifying leasing agreements; modifying the duties of the state construction department as specified; modifying use of school district facilities by charter schools as specified; requiring approval for...
Assigned Chapter Number 166
SF0099PassAN ACT relating to wills; authorizing witnesses to wills to appear electronically as specified; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 170
SF0152PassAN ACT relating to criminal history records; clarifying that criminal history record information shall be disseminated to the board of occupational therapy as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 169
SF0153PassAN ACT relating to elections; requiring post-election ballot audits; changing the time absentee ballots may be distributed to applicants before the election; requiring that electronic voting systems have an air gap; providing that election records an...
Assigned Chapter Number 177
HB0076PassAN ACT relating to professions and occupations; removing a requirement that examinations for cosmetology and related licensure be conducted by the state board of cosmetology; reducing the number of practice years required for a license to practice ve...
Assigned Chapter Number 163
SF0094PassAN ACT relating to domestic relations; codifying the federal Indian Child Welfare Act as state law; specifying requirements and procedures for the placement of Indian children in shelter care or for adoption; providing a sunset date; making conformin...
Assigned Chapter Number 154
SF0066PassAN ACT relating to school finance accounts; eliminating the school major maintenance subaccount within the strategic investments and projects account, the school lands mineral royalties account and the school capital construction account; modifying t...
Assigned Chapter Number 175
HB0089PassAN ACT relating to the investment of state funds; authorizing specified state permanent fund reserve accounts to maintain larger balances for the benefit of state investment strategies; providing that balances in specified reserve accounts are intend...
Assigned Chapter Number 157
HB0144PassAN ACT relating to senior citizen service districts; specifying how senior citizen service revenues may be expended; specifying requirements for the provision of services and programs; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 162
HB0074PassAN ACT relating to state lands; creating a Wyoming outdoor recreation and tourism trust fund account; providing funding for the trust account; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 153
SF0076PassAN ACT relating to digital assets; providing for the registration of digital assets with the secretary of state as specified; providing a definition; amending jurisdictional requirements; requiring rulemaking; providing appropriations; and providing ...
Assigned Chapter Number 174
HB0022PassAN ACT relating to state lands; providing for notification of noncompliance in a state land lease renewal; providing opportunities for compliance; conforming time frames for lessee compliance; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 159
HB0014PassAN ACT relating to courts; increasing the original filing fee required for commencing or filing civil matters in district court; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 161
SF0061PassAN ACT relating to per diem rates; increasing the statutory per diem rate for specified legislative activities; increasing per diem rates that are based upon the legislative rate; providing for adjustment of the per diem rate; providing applicability...
Assigned Chapter Number 167
HB0185PassAN ACT relating to local government funding; increasing a prior appropriation; making conforming changes to the related formulas; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 155
HB0052PassAN ACT relating to the revision of statutes and other legislative enactments; correcting statutory references and language resulting from inadvertent errors and omissions in previously adopted legislation; amending obsolete references; repealing obso...
Assigned Chapter Number 160
HB0017PassAN ACT relating to state lands; providing for lessees of state lands to graze livestock they do not own, but for which they retain management responsibility, on leased lands without obtaining permission from the director of the office of state lands ...
Assigned Chapter Number 158
HB0209PassAN ACT relating to education; amending the date of transfers from the Hathaway scholarship expenditure account to the Hathaway student scholarship reserve account; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 156
SF0164PassAN ACT relating to cities and towns; amending requirements for contracts for public improvements for municipalities; amending requirements for the purchase or trade of property by cities and towns; amending the guarantees required for public improvem...
Assigned Chapter Number 171
HB0004PassAN ACT relating to medical assistance and services; temporarily extending Medicaid medical assistance to qualifying pregnant women for twelve (12) months postpartum; making a conforming amendment; providing an appropriation; requiring rulemaking; and...
Assigned Chapter Number 152
SF0100PassAN ACT relating to wills and probate; specifying the revocation of probate and nonprobate transfers to a spouse upon divorce or annulment; defining terms; specifying the role and use of governing instruments for revocations; repealing existing provis...
Assigned Chapter Number 140
HB0200PassAN ACT relating to game and fish; modifying the provisions of elk, deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose, grizzly bear and wild bison hunting licenses issued to nonresident applicants; increasing nonresident license fees to hunt elk, de...
Assigned Chapter Number 137
SF0112PassAN ACT relating to labor and employment; providing for the confidentiality of communications with peer support specialists as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 149
SF0169PassAN ACT relating to the administration of government; creating the state shooting complex development and oversight task force; providing duties of the task force; requiring reports; creating the state shooting complex account; providing appropriation...
Assigned Chapter Number 146
HB0002PassAN ACT relating to cities and towns; providing that elected and appointed officers may elect not to receive a salary or compensation while serving as elected or appointed officers; providing legislative intent; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 138
SF0079PassAN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring health care providers to develop plans of safe care for infants as specified; requiring hospitals to report to the department of family services as specified; providing definitions; requiring rul...
Assigned Chapter Number 143
HB0103PassAN ACT relating to elections; revising provisions relating to political party affiliation changes and declarations by electors; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 151
HB0276PassAN ACT relating to game and fish; providing that any shed antlers and horns on state or public land are the property of the state; requiring nonresidents to obtain a conservation stamp to collect shed antlers and horns on state or public land; provid...
Assigned Chapter Number 144
SF0116PassAN ACT relating to civil procedure; providing immunity from specified civil lawsuits to firearm manufacturers and sellers; specifying exceptions; providing definitions; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 141
HB0099PassAN ACT relating to property tax; amending qualifications for the property tax refund program; amending qualifications for the county optional property tax refund program; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 142
SF0108PassAN ACT relating to courts; requiring fees for transcripts, records and other papers issued by a court reporter to be set by rule of the district court judicial conference; repealing court reporter fees; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 148
HB0009PassAN ACT relating to juveniles; clarifying that the juvenile court has concurrent jurisdiction over Juvenile Justice Act proceedings involving persons under the age of 21 who are alleged to have committed offenses or delinquent acts as minors; and prov...
Assigned Chapter Number 150
HB0011PassAN ACT relating to retirement; providing for full-time state park ranger participation in the law enforcement plan under the Wyoming Retirement Act; making conforming amendments; authorizing election by current full-time state park rangers; specifyin...
Assigned Chapter Number 136
HB0123PassAN ACT relating to game and fish; requiring the game and fish commission to promulgate rules to establish seasons for the collection of antlers and horns; specifying the start of horn and antler collection seasons for residents and nonresidents; and ...
Assigned Chapter Number 145
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