FL Legislation | 2015 | Regular Session | Senate | Passed

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
S0604PassCiting this act as the "True Origin of Digital Goods Act"; requiring owners and operators of specified websites and online services to disclose certain information; providing for injunctive relief, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-53
S0296PassRequiring the council, in conjunction with the Department of Health, the Agency for Health Care Administration, and the Department of Management Services, to develop plans to manage, treat, and prevent diabetes; requiring a report to the Governor and...
Chapter No. 2015-45
S0904PassAllowing home health agencies to operate related offices inside of the main office's health service planning district without an additional license; providing for the licensure of more than one nurse registry operational site within the same health s...
Chapter No. 2015-66
S0378PassAuthorizing a law enforcement officer to issue a warning to a juvenile who admits having committed a misdemeanor or to inform the child's parent or guardian of the child's infraction; allowing a law enforcement officer who does not exercise one of th...
Chapter No. 2015-46
S0450PassDeleting provisions relating to the future repeal of ss. 458.3265 and 459.0137, F.S., etc.
Chapter No. 2015-49
S0642PassCreating the "Florida Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act"; requiring the Florida Prepaid College Board to establish a direct-support organization known as "Florida ABLE, Inc."; authorizing the organization to use certain services, property...
Chapter No. 2015-56, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 644 (Ch. 2015-57), CS/CS/SB 646 (Ch. 2015-58)
S0836PassRevising provisions relating to the levy of assessments on insurers by the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association; requiring charges or recoupments to be displayed separately on premium statements to policyholders and prohibiting their inclusion in r...
Chapter No. 2015-65
S0172PassRequiring that firefighter and police officer pension plans meet the requirements of ch. 175 and ch. 185, F.S., respectively, in order to receive certain insurance premium tax revenues; revising the method of creating and maintaining firefighters'...
Chapter No. 2015-39
S0278PassAuthorizing municipalities larger than a certain population and located in certain counties to levy an ad valorem tax on real and personal property in downtown development districts, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-43
S0982PassProhibiting discrimination on the basis of pregnancy in public lodging and food service establishments and in places of public accommodation; prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy; prohibiting discrimination on the basis of ...
Chapter No. 2015-68
S0778PassProhibiting local ordinances and regulations from restricting competition for the award of a contract for construction services based upon certain conditions; requiring a state college, county, municipality, school district, or other political subdiv...
Chapter No. 2015-63
S0158PassProviding that an existing exemption from civil liability for farmers who gratuitously allow a person to enter upon their land for the purpose of removing farm produce or crops left in the field applies at any time, rather than only after harvesting;...
Chapter No. 2015-38
S0290PassProviding an exemption from criminal penalties for carrying a concealed weapon or a concealed firearm when evacuating pursuant to a mandatory evacuation order during a declared state of emergency, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-44
S0160PassExempting a rural letter carrier of the United States Postal Service from safety belt usage requirements while performing his or her duties on a designated postal route, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-81
S7078PassAuthorizing critical incident rapid response teams to review cases of child deaths occurring during an open investigation; requiring case staffing when medical neglect is substantiated; requiring an epidemiological child abuse death assessment and pr...
Chapter No. 2015-79
S0620PassExempting certain employees from specified travel expense provisions when traveling under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact under certain circumstances, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-55
S0644PassCreating the Florida ABLE Program Trust Fund within the State Board of Administration; authorizing sources of funds; specifying the purpose of the trust fund and authorized uses of the assets; providing for future review and termination or re-creatio...
Chapter No. 2015-57, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 642 (Ch. 2015-56)
S0806PassRequiring that mailed semiannual assessments be received by the Office of Financial Regulation by a specified date; requiring that electronically transmitted semiannual assessments be transmitted to the office by specified dates; revising the individ...
Chapter No. 2015-64
S0716PassProviding an exemption from public records requirements for certain animal medical records held by a state college of veterinary medicine that is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education; providing for future leg...
Chapter No. 2015-62
S7028PassRevising criteria for eligibility for out-of-state fee waivers at state universities, Florida College System institutions, and specified career centers; removing a provision regarding the applicability of waivers to required credit hours for a studen...
Chapter No. 2015-76
S7034PassTransferring, renumbering, and amending provisions relating to an exemption from public records requirements for certain information of persons who are victims of stalking or aggravated stalking; removing the scheduled repeal of the exemption, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-78
S0252PassIncreasing the number of years that a specified examination report remains valid and may be considered for the purpose of applying for a certificate of authority; providing that the absence of a countersignature does not affect the validity of a poli...
Chapter No. 2015-42
S0248PassProviding that a body camera recording is confidential and exempt from public records requirements under certain circumstances; providing exceptions; requiring a law enforcement agency to retain body camera recordings for at least a specified period;...
Chapter No. 2015-41
S7016PassAmending provisions relating to an exemption from public record requirements for certain information that could identify a minor petitioning a court to waive parental notice requirements before terminating a pregnancy; saving the exemption from repea...
Chapter No. 2015-74
S0570PassProviding that service of a subpoena on a witness in a civil traffic case may be made by United States mail directed to the witness at the last known address and that such service must be mailed before a specified period, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-51
S0596PassDefining the term "branded product"; revising the current limitation on the number of containers that may be sold to consumers by craft distilleries; applying such limitation to individual containers for each branded product; prohibiting a craft dist...
Chapter No. 2015-52, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 186 (Ch. 2015-12)
S0676PassRequiring the application forms for motor vehicle registration and renewal of registration to include language permitting the applicant to make a voluntary contribution to End Breast Cancer to be distributed to a specified organization and used for s...
Chapter No. 2015-60, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7055 (Ch. 2015-163)
S1094PassSpecifying requirements for the coastal management element required for a local government comprehensive plan; requiring a surveyor and mapper to submit a copy of each elevation certificate that he or she completes to the Division of Emergency Manage...
Chapter No. 2015-69
S0184PassAuthorizing absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters to use the federal write-in absentee ballot in any state or local election; prohibiting the supervisor of elections from canvassing federal write-in absentee ballots from overseas voter...
Chapter No. 2015-40
S7010PassAmending provisions relating to an exemption from public records requirements for information that would reveal examination techniques or procedures used by the Office of Financial Regulation under the Florida Securities and Investor Protection Act; ...
Chapter No. 2015-72
S0466PassRevising the definition of the term "low-voltage alarm system project" and adding the definition of the term "wireless alarm system"; providing that a permit is not required to install, maintain, inspect, replace, or service a wireless alarm system a...
Chapter No. 2015-50
S0646PassProviding an exemption from public records requirements for certain personal financial and health information held by the Florida Prepaid College Board, the Florida ABLE, Inc., or the Florida ABLE program, or an agent or service provider thereof; aut...
Chapter No. 2015-58, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 642 (Ch. 2015-56)
S0954PassRequiring school health services plans to include notification requirements when a student is removed from school, school transportation, or a school-sponsored activity for involuntary examination; including health care surrogates and proxies as indi...
Chapter No. 2015-67
S7032PassRemoving the public records exemption for information held by the State Child Abuse Death Review Committee or a local committee that reveals the identity of family members or others living in the home of a child whose death occurred as a result of a ...
Chapter No. 2015-77
S1312PassProviding that legislative intent includes the protection of specified forms of free speech; defining the phrase "free speech in connection with public issues", etc.
Chapter No. 2015-70
S0396PassRemoving references to the Legislative Research Center and Museum at the Historic Capitol; creating the Florida Historic Capitol Museum Council; providing for the appointment and qualifications of council members; renaming the position of Capitol Cur...
Chapter No. 2015-47
S0608PassRequiring the Florida Real Estate Commission to adopt certain rules pertaining to broker registration on a temporary, emergency basis; revising the supervision requirements for registered trainee appraisers; requiring an appraisal management company ...
Chapter No. 2015-54
S7008PassAmending provisions relating to an exemption from public meeting requirements for portions of meetings of the Board of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services within the Department of Financial Services at which licensure examination questions or an...
Chapter No. 2015-71
S7024PassRepealing provisions relating to restrictions on investments in institutions doing business in or with Northern Ireland; establishing conditions for the transfer of any residual balance in the Fund B Surplus Funds Trust Fund upon self-liquidation; re...
Chapter No. 2015-75
S0408PassDeleting the requirement that a governmental entity that provides a designated area for skateboarding, inline skating, or freestyle bicycling obtain the written consent of the parent or legal guardian of a child under a certain age before allowing th...
Chapter No. 2015-48
S0672PassAuthorizing a criminal witness subpoena commanding a witness to appear for a deposition to be posted at the witness's residence by an authorized person if one attempt to serve the subpoena has failed, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-59
S0694PassProviding an exception to the requirement that state officers and employees designate a charitable organization to receive their contributions from the Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign; requiring the fiscal agent selected by the Departmen...
Chapter No. 2015-61
S0144PassCreating an exemption from public records requirements for certain identifying and location information of current or former impaired practitioner consultants retained by an agency or certain current or former employees of an impaired practitioner co...
Chapter No. 2015-37
S7012PassAmending provisions which provide a public records exemption for credit history information and credit scores held by the Office of Financial Regulation for purposes of licensing loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage lenders; saving the ex...
Chapter No. 2015-73
S0872PassAuthorizing the court, if costs and attorney fees are to be paid from the estate under specified sections of law, to direct payment from a certain part of the estate or, under specified circumstances, to direct payment from a trust; requiring a perso...
Chapter No. 2015-27
S0222PassCreating the "Computer Abuse and Data Recovery Act"; prohibiting a person from intentionally committing specified acts without authorization with respect to a protected computer; specifying remedies for civil actions brought by persons affected by a ...
Chapter No. 2015-14
S0682PassProviding requirements for transitional living facility policies and procedures governing client admission, transfer, and discharge; prohibiting a licensee or employee of a facility from serving notice upon a client to leave the premises or taking ot...
Chapter No. 2015-25
S0332PassRequiring a resident of a licensed facility to be assessed for eligibility for pneumococcal vaccination or revaccination by a specified date and, if indicated, to be vaccinated or revaccinated by a specified date, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-16
S0538PassProhibiting a person from willfully and maliciously sexually cyberharassing another person; authorizing a law enforcement officer to arrest, without a warrant, any person that he or she has probable cause to believe has committed sexual cyberharassme...
Chapter No. 2015-24
S0526PassRevising the methods available for verifying documents; defining the term "reliable electronic means"; authorizing specified officers to administer oaths by reliable electronic means when engaged in the performance of official duties, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-23
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