FL Legislation | 2023 | Regular Session | Senate

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StanceBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
S0854FailRevising the information that may be disclosed from hearings and records in adoption proceedings without a court order; removing a required fee for certain services and expenses; revising a requirement regarding the release of identifying information...
Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
S1014FailRevising the value of a motor vehicle owned by a natural person which is exempt from legal process, etc.
Died in Community Affairs
S0206FailRevising the legislative intent of the Criminal Punishment Code; specifying that one of the dual purposes of sentencing is to rehabilitate the offender to transition back to the community successfully; reducing the minimum sentence that must be serve...
Died in Criminal Justice
S0296FailRequiring that a person arrested for driving under the influence who refuses to submit to a lawful test of his or her breath be told that he or she is subject to mandatory placement, for a specified period of time and at his or her expense, of an ign...
Died in Rules
S0590FailCiting this act as the "Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act" or "CROWN Act"; prohibiting discrimination based on protected hairstyle in the K-20 public education system; defining the terms "race" and "protective hairstyles" for ...
Died in Judiciary
S0700FailReclassifying intern registrations as associate licenses for the professions of clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, and mental health counseling; revising qualification requirements for experts appointed in certain criminal proceedings...
Died in Health Policy
S1276FailRequiring the Department of Children and Families to enroll certain persons for a specified time in a prerelease treatment program developed by the department under certain circumstances; creating a rebuttable presumption that it is not safe for a pe...
Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
S0740FailCreating the Statewide Blue Ribbon Task Force on County Realignment within the Department of Economic Opportunity; requiring the task force to evaluate and consider specified items; requiring the department to provide administrative and technical sup...
Died in Community Affairs
S0294FailRequiring that the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders be taught in the public schools; requiring that instructional materials used in teaching this subject area include specified information, etc.
Died in Appropriations Committee on Education, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1537 (Ch. 2023-39)
S1060FailCreating the Apprenticeship and Preapprenticeship Direct Funding Grant Program for specified purposes; requiring the Department of Education to administer the program; requiring apprenticeship or preapprenticeship programs to submit an application to...
Died in Appropriations Committee on Education
S1192FailRequiring certain certified nurse midwives, in order to provide out-of-hospital intrapartum care, to maintain a written policy for the transfer of patients needing a higher acuity of care or emergency services; requiring that such policy prescribe an...
Died in Health Policy
S0518FailProviding an exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to persons with legal custody of an animal from an animal shelter or animal control agency operated by a local government; providing for fut...
Died in Rules
S0650FailRequiring school districts to ensure information on their website relating to reproductive health and disease education is accurate and up-to-date within a specified timeframe; requiring school districts to send a notification to parents that such in...
Died in Education Pre-K -12
S1316FailDeleting a provision requiring a judicial notice of sale to be published for a specified timeframe on a publicly accessible website; specifying that a governmental agency may use the public website of a county to publish legally required advertisemen...
Died in Judiciary
S1472FailDefining the term "organic material" and revising definitions; prohibiting local governments from adopting any ordinance, regulation, rule, or policy to prohibit, restrict, regulate, or otherwise limit the collection, storage, processing, or distribu...
Died in Community Affairs
S0340FailSpecifying the authorized uses of funds from the Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking, etc.
Died in Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice
S1102FailEstablishing a mental health profession scholarship and loan forgiveness program within the Department of Health for a specified purpose; providing for applicant eligibility and the award of scholarships; providing for repayment of scholarship funds ...
Died in Health Policy
S1340FailProviding construction relating to the recovery of damages under the common-law remedy of bad faith against insurers; revising a prohibition against the continued writing of private passenger automobile insurance by certain insurers; prohibiting insu...
Died in Banking and Insurance, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 7052 (Ch. 2023-172)
S1620FailRevising the array of services offered by the child and adolescent mental health system of care; requiring specified mental health care professionals to complete a course on technology addiction and pornography addiction by a specified date; requirin...
Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 379 (Ch. 2023-36)
S0460FailProhibiting the state group insurance program from imposing any enrollee cost-sharing liability with respect to coverage for diagnostic breast examinations and supplemental breast examinations; defining the terms "diagnostic breast examination" and "...
Died in Banking and Insurance
S0634FailDirecting the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to develop a Cure Diabetes license plate; providing for distribution and use of fees collected from the sale of the plate, etc.
Died in Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development
S0690FailRemoving a provision that prohibits adult children and parents of adult children from recovering certain damages in medical negligence suits, etc.
Died in Judiciary
S1376FailRequiring school districts, upon the request of a certain student or his or her parent or guardian, to provide certain alternative meals and snacks to students; providing cost requirements for such meals and snacks; authorizing that such request be m...
Died in Education Pre-K -12
S1388FailDefining the term "control"; defining the term "motor vehicle dealer's leasing or rental affiliate" to specify the entities that are immune from causes of action and that are not liable for harm to persons and property under certain circumstances, et...
Died in Messages; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 965 (Ch. 2023-186)
S0330FailExpanding grounds for the reclassification of crimes to include acts of prejudice based on the gender, gender identity or expression, or physical or mental disability of a victim; specifying that the reclassification occurs if the crime was based in ...
Died in Criminal Justice
S0352FailProviding that posttraumatic stress disorder suffered by a 911 public safety telecommunicator or crime scene investigator is a compensable occupational disease under certain circumstances; specifying that benefits do not require a physical injury and...
Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
S1420FailAuthorizing counties and municipalities, respectively, to access sanitary sewer laterals within their jurisdictions for specified purposes; requiring counties and municipalities to notify private property owners within a specified timeframe if the co...
Died in Community Affairs
S1080FailProhibiting the consideration of the residential addresses of certain persons during the district-drawing process for boards of county commissioners; requiring municipalities to fix the boundaries of their districts in a certain manner; specifying th...
Died in Community Affairs, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 411 (Ch. 2023-101)
S1160FailProhibiting a health insurer or health maintenance organization from retroactively denying a claim at any time because of ineligibility of the insured or subscriber, respectively; specifying an exception, etc.
Died in Banking and Insurance
S1220FailSpecifying that the professional journalist's privilege does not apply to defamation or related actions; specifying that the publication of an altered or unaltered photograph, video, or audio recording may form the basis of a defamation action; speci...
Died in Rules
S0148FailProviding an exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to a buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; providing for future legislative review a...
Died in Criminal Justice
S0592FailRequiring the Department of Health and its agents to require suppliers of water to give public notice of water problems and corrective measures through text messages to owners or occupants of affected residences; requiring specified information to be...
Died in Health Policy
S0654FailCreating the Florida Caregiving Youth Task Force within the Department of Health for a specified purpose; providing for membership, meetings, and duties of the task force; defining the terms "caregiving youth" and "household member"; requiring the De...
Died in Health Policy
S1496FailCreating the trust fund within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; providing the purpose of the trust fund and source of funds; requiring that the balance of the trust fund remain in the fund at the end of the year and be available f...
Died in Agriculture
S0806FailRequiring the Agency for Health Care Administration to adopt by rule specified minimum standards for certain organ transplants; providing that hospitals that do not meet these standards by, or begin organ transplant programs after, a specified date h...
Died in Health Policy
S1558FailAuthorizing tutoring provided through the tutoring program within the Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence Program to be provided after the school day; authorizing school districts that participate in the tutoring program to provi...
Died in Education Pre-K -12

Sine Die
Recognizing April 11 -- 17, 2023, as "Black Maternal Health Week" in Florida to bring attention to the maternal health crisis in the black community and the importance of reducing maternal mortality and morbidity among black women in this state, etc.
Died, not introduced
S0990FailRevising licensing standards for all licensed child care facilities; requiring the Department of Children and Families to conduct specified screening of child care personnel within a specified timeframe and issue provisional approval of such personne...
Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 443 (Ch. 2023-102), SB 2502 (Ch. 2023-240)
S1374FailRevising requirements for the use of a crash-tested, federally approved child restraint device while transporting a child in a motor vehicle, etc.
Died in Rules
S0348FailRequiring the Governor to proclaim September 11 of each year as "9/11 Heroes Day"; requiring that the day be observed in public schools and by public exercise; requiring certain middle and high school students to receive specified instruction; requir...
Died in Messages; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1537 (Ch. 2023-39)
S0562FailRequiring the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to furnish for distribution a uniform notice of commencement; requiring owners and authorized agents of owners to use such uniform notice, etc.
Died in Messages
S0886FailRepealing a provision relating to tree pruning, trimming, or removal on residential property, etc.
Died in Community Affairs
S1232FailRevising the circumstances under which a telehealth provider may use telehealth to prescribe certain controlled substances, etc.
Died in Judiciary
S1344FailIncreasing limits on witness fees charged by certain witnesses; increasing maximum reimbursement allowances for physicians and surgical procedures, etc.
Died in Health Policy
S1498FailSpecifying that certain restrictive covenants in employment agreements relating to certain licensed physicians do not support a legitimate business interest; specifying such restrictive covenants are void and unenforceable, etc.
Died in Health Policy
S0762FailAuthorizing a surviving spouse of a veteran who predeceased the issuance of a certain letter from the Federal Government to produce the letter before the property appraiser, etc.
Died in Appropriations
S0874FailRequiring an application for an identification card or a driver license to provide for male, female, or nonbinary gender designation, etc.
Died in Transportation
S0982FailProviding an honorary designation of a certain transportation facility in a specified county; directing the Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers, etc.
Died in Transportation, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 21 (Ch. 2023-317)
S1544FailEncouraging each public school to have at least one automated external defibrillator on school grounds; providing requirements for such defibrillators; requiring schools to have a sufficient number of defibrillators; encouraging schools to establish ...
Died in Education Pre-K -12
S1608FailDefining the term "retail fresh market farm stand"; establishing the Fresh From Florida Retail Fresh Market Farm Stand Signage Program within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to provide directional signage for certified retail fres...
Died in Fiscal Policy
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