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Urges Secretary of Homeland Security to provide guidance, training opportunities, & any other directives to ensure cooperation & coordination with 287(g) agreements.
Laid on Table, refer to SB 6
FLH0389PassProvides honorary designations of certain transportation facilities in specified counties; redesignates specified bridge in St. Lucie County as "E.C. Summerlin Family Bridge"; directs DOT to erect suitable markers.
Chapter No. 2024-278
FLH0187PassDefines term "antisemitism"; provides contemporary examples of antisemitism.
Chapter No. 2024-262
FLH1109PassRequiring DOE to establish program to provide funds to Jewish day schools & preschools for specified security purposes; provides authorized uses for such funds.
Chapter No. 2024-264
FLH0725PassRevises eligibility for residency in Veterans' Domiciliary Home of Florida to include specified individuals; adds such individuals to priority of admittance schedule; revises admission eligibility for veterans' nursing homes to include specif...
Chapter No. 2024-250
FLH0073PassRequires court to consider needs & abilities of person with developmental disability when determining whether to appoint guardian advocate; provides requirements for petition to appoint guardian advocate; authorizes agent acting for principal to gran...
Chapter No. 2024-242
FLH1267PassProvides requirements for local workforce development boards; requires DOC to develop certain training; authorizes participation in programs or courses for specified number of hours per week; authorizes DOC to suspend work requirements; requires DCF ...
Chapter No. 2024-240
FLH0385PassProvides requirements for parenting plan relating to exchange of child; requires court to order parties to parenting plan to exchange child at neutral safe exchange location or supervised visitation program; requires sheriffs to designate areas as ne...
Chapter No. 2024-226
FLH1203PassProviding requirements for certain community association managers and community association management firms; requiring certain associations to post certain documents on its website or make available such documents through an application by a date ce...
Chapter No. 2024-221
FLH7085PassCreates Sickle Cell Disease Research & Treatment Grant Program within DOH; specifies types of projects eligible for grant funding; revises sickle cell disease & sickle cell trait screening requirements; requires screening providers to notify newborn&...
Chapter No. 2024-225; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/SB 1582 (Ch. 2024-246)
FLH0775PassAuthorizes parent to surrender infant with medical staff or licensed healthcare professional at hospital after delivery; authorizes parent to surrender infant by dialing 911 to request that EMS provider meet surrendering parent at specified location;...
Chapter No. 2024-213
FLH0275PassProvides criminal penalties for improperly tampering with critical infrastructure resulting in specified monetary damage or cost to restore; provides for civil liability upon conviction for such violations; provides criminal penalties for trespass up...
Chapter No. 2024-197
FLH0415PassRequires DOH, in consultation with DCF & AHCA, to maintain website that provides pregnancy & parenting resources & provide clear & conspicuous link to such website on official website of respective departments & agency; requires DOH to contract with ...
Chapter No. 2024-198
FLH7063PassExtends future repeal date of direct-support organization for Statewide Council on Human Trafficking; revises hotline number to be included in human trafficking awareness signs; requiring adult entertainment establishments to check identification of ...
Chapter No. 2024-184
FLH1083PassRevises & creates provisions relating to dependent children, including criminal history records checks, removing children from court-ordered placement, evidence required to amend case plans, Guardianship Assistance Program, notice requirements, revie...
Chapter No. 2024-177; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 958 (Ch. 2024-90)
FLH1361PassProviding for the award of grants to school districts to implement artificial intelligence in support of students and teachers; providing requirements for the use of such artificial intelligence; eligible expenses for
Chapter No. 2024-162
FLH0341PassRequires language on application form for motor vehicle registration to allow applicant to indicate that applicant has been diagnosed with, or is parent or legal guardian of child or ward who has been diagnosed with, specified disabilities or disorde...
Chapter No. 2024-150
FLH1473PassRevises provisions & establishes reporting requirements for school guardian programs & school guardians; revises school safety requirements for DOE, school districts, charter schools, & school safety specialists.
Chapter No. 2024-155; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1509 (Ch. 2024-156)
FLH0919PassRequires certain political advertisements, electioneering communications, or other miscellaneous advertisements to include specified disclaimer; specifies requirements for disclaimer; provides for criminal & civil penalties; authorizes person to file...
Chapter No. 2024-126
FLH1389PassRedesignates "video voyeurism" as "digital voyeurism"; revises elements; provides reduced criminal penalties for certain violations by persons under 19 years of age; specifies that each instance of certain violations is separate offense; provides for...
Chapter No. 2024-132
FLH0461PassRequires that woman who has recently given birth be excused from certain jury service under specified conditions.
Chapter No. 2024-122
FLH1171PassProvides for reclassification of certain offenses when committed against persons 65 years of age or older, against minors, or against persons with disabilities; provides for civil actions for damages by persons whose image or likeness was used in sch...
Chapter No. 2024-129
FLH1285PassRevises provisions relating to K-12 education, postsecondary education, & Education Practices Commission; establishes Purple Star School District Program; creates AA specialized transfer degrees; requires SBE to adopt rules for issuance of classical ...
Chapter No. 2024-101; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 7002 (Ch. 2024-159), CS/SB 7004 (Ch. 2024-160)
FLH0135Passproviding an exception to a requirement that certain voter registration applicants must be registered without party affiliation; requiring the department to provide an applicant with a certain receipt; requiring the department to ensure that informat...
Chapter No. 2024-78
FLH1227PassDesignates Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day, which occurs on fourth Thursday in March, as legal holiday.
Chapter No. 2024-83
FLH1131PassCreates Online Sting Operations Grant Program within FDLE to support local law enforcement agencies in creating sting operations to protect children; requires FDLE to annually award grant funds; provides funding requirements.
Chapter No. 2024-72
FLH0549PassReducing minimum threshold amount for grand theft of third degree; creates new offense of grand theft offenses; provides enhanced criminal penalties for committing petit theft of first degree & having certain previous convictions; revises number of t...
Chapter No. 2024-69
FLH0357PassDesignates each November as "Veterans Appreciation Month"; removes provisions relating to Veterans Week; authorizes Governor to issue proclamation with specified information.
Chapter No. 2024-65
FLH0523PassEstablishes Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program within DOE; provides purpose of program, eligibility criteria, & Commissioner of Education, DOE, & school district duties & responsibilities.
Chapter No. 2024-51
FLH0801PassRequires FDLE to establish online, continued employment training component relating to Alzheimer's disease & related forms of dementia; requires training component be developed with DOEA; specifies instruction requirements for training; authorize...
Chapter No. 2024-52
FLH0003PassRequiring social media platforms to prohibit certain minors from creating new accounts; requiring social media platforms to terminate certain accounts and provide additional options for termination of such accounts; providing conditions under which s...
Chapter No. 2024-42
FLH0049PassRemoving certain employment restrictions for minors 16 and 17 years of age; revising the age at which certain employment restrictions apply; providing for the waiver of a specified restriction by specified persons; restricting the amount of continuou...
Chapter No. 2024-25
FLH0865PassRevises requirements for athletic coaches to include certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, & use of automatic external defibrillators.
Chapter No. 2024-33
FLH1309FailRequires DCF to contract with managing entities for community mobile support teams to place certain crisis counselors within local law enforcement agencies to conduct follow-up contacts with certain persons; provides requirements for crisis counselor...
Died in Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee

Sine Die
Revises, repeals, & creates various provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations; pest control & fumigation; commercial landscaping & wildlife management; weapons & firearms; charitable organizations & professional solicitors; cultivated...
Laid on Table
FLH0001VetoRequiring certain social media platforms to prohibit certain minors from creating new accounts and to verify the age of account holders; specifying the age verification methods the social media platform is required and authorized to offer; requiring ...
Vetoed by Governor
FLH0117PassRevises list of persons prohibited from disclosing testimony of witness examined before grand jury or evidence it receives; creates exception for request by media or interested person.
Chapter No. 2024-7
FLH0007PassExpands Nonprofit Security Grant Program to include additional organizations; specifies that grants may be used for certain materials; revises criteria to be awarded grant; requires DEM to provide information to Legislature annually by specified date...
Chapter No. 2023-352
FLH0005PassRevises provisions related to scrutinized companies including definitions, criteria for being identified as scrutinized company, name of scrutinized company list, assembly & updating of such list, removal from such list, & government contracting.
Chapter No. 2023-351

Sine Die
Expresses support for State of Israel.
Withdrawn prior to introduction

Sine Die
Expresses State of Florida's unwavering support for State of Israel & Jewish citizens in Florida & condemns Hamas & anti-Semitism.
Adopted; YEAS 103, NAYS 3

Sine Die
Expresses support for State of Israel.
Adopted; YEAS 108, NAYS 0
FLH0121PassIncreases income eligibility threshold for coverage under Medikids program component; increases income eligibility threshold for coverage under Florida Kidcare program; requires applicant seeking coverage under program to provide certain documentatio...
Chapter No. 2023-277
FLH0299PassRequires DEA to offer education about Alzheimer's disease & related forms of dementia to general public; requires employees of covered providers, health agency or nurse registry or companion or homemaker service provider, or nursing home, assiste...
Chapter No. 2023-278
FLH0935PassProhibits municipality from terminating chief of police without providing chief of police written notice; requires municipality to allow chief of police to appear & provide full & complete response to his or her termination at specified public meetin...
Chapter No. 2023-282
FLH1157PassProposes amendment to State Constitution to preserve forever fishing, hunting, & taking of fish & wildlife as public right & preferred means of managing & controlling fish & wildlife; specifies amendment does not limit authority of FWCC.
Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State
FLH1327PassProvides exemption from public records requirements for investigative genetic genealogy information & materials; authorizes disclosure of such information & materials in certain circumstances; provides retroactive application; provides for future leg...
Chapter No. 2023-235
FLH0391PassRequires home health agencies to ensure tasks delegated to home health aides for medically fragile children meet specified requirements; provides individuals exemption from costs associated with specified training; authorizes home health aides for me...
Chapter No. 2023-183
FLH0799PassRequires residential property insurance rate filings to account for windstorm mitigation measures undertaken by policyholders; requires wind uplift prevention to be included in windstorm damage mitigation techniques for residential property insurance...
Chapter No. 2023-175; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 154 (Ch. 2023-203), SB 2502 (Ch. 2023-240)
FLH1279PassRevises, creates, & deletes various provisions under jurisdiction of DACS relating to Florida farm TEAM cards; purchase of food commodities by state agencies, state universities, & FCS institutions; selling of food; enforcement duties of DACS; food p...
Chapter No. 2023-154
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