IN Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session | Bills

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Sine Die
Tax sale surplus funds. Provides that the attorney general and the attorney general's homeowner protection unit shall enforce the statute governing an agreement between: (1) a real property owner who is divested of ownership of the property at a tax ...
To House Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
Sales tax exemption for mining safety property. Provides a sales tax exemption for property acquired for the purpose of complying with mining safety statutes or regulations if the person acquiring the property is engaged in: (1) the business of minin...
To House Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
Sentencing enhancements for use of firearms. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally: (1) uses a firearm in the commission of a felony against a person that results in death or serious bodily injury, kidnapping, or criminal confinement ...
To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Sine Die
Abortion. Requires that certain information must be provided by the parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated pregnant woman when giving written consent for the unemancipated pregnant woman to have an abortion. Requires a physician who receives wr...
To Senate Health and Provider Services Committee

Sine Die
Nullification of EPA regulations in Indiana. Nullifies all regulations imposed in Indiana by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Provides that the department of environmental management shall provide environmental protection for ...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Applications for marriage licenses. Allows for an application for a marriage license to be gender specific or gender neutral.
To Senate Public Policy Committee

Sine Die
Federal fund exchange program. Amends the federal fund exchange program as follows: (1) Requires the department of transportation (department) to make available to eligible entities at least 25% of federal funding received by the department. (2) Allo...
To House Roads and Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Local public questions. Provides that, for an election held after December 31, 2017, a local public question may not be placed on the ballot at an election held during the year after a presidential election year. Provides that if another Indiana stat...
To House Elections and Apportionment Committee

Sine Die
Tax increment financing districts. Provides that if a redevelopment commission outside Marion County wishes to establish a tax increment financing (TIF) area after December 31, 2016, a taxing unit that is located wholly or partly within a proposed TI...
To Senate Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Diabetes assessment reports. Requires the state department of health, the state personnel department, and the office of the secretary of family and social services to: (1) collaborate to identify plans to reduce the incidence of diabetes and diabetes...
To House Public Health Committee

Sine Die
Bias motivated crimes. Provides that a bias motivated crime is a crime in which the person who commits the crime knowingly or intentionally selects: (1) an individual against whom the crime was committed; or (2) any property damaged or otherwise affe...
To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Sine Die
Vacancies in local offices. Provides that if a caucus has not filled a vacancy in certain local offices before 45 days after the vacancy occurred or, if the vacancy is due to the death of the officeholder, the county chairman has received notice of t...
To Senate Elections Committee

Sine Die
Repeal of IOSHA. Repeals, on January 1, 2017, the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Act (IOSHA), except for provisions concerning the INSafe program. Provides that the powers and duties of the department of labor under IOSHA (except for those co...
To House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee

Sine Die
Law enforcement training and education. Repeals certain statutes concerning law enforcement academies and law enforcement training currently located in the state and local administration law (Title 5). Recodifies the repealed statutes in the public s...
To House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee

Sine Die
Tobacco sales certificate transferability. Provides that a valid tobacco sales certificate held by a retail tobacco store is transferable to subsequent owners of the retail tobacco store.
To Senate Public Policy Committee

Sine Die
Circuit court clerk mailings. To resolve a conflict, repeals one version of amendments made to a statute during the 2015 session of the general assembly.
To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Sine Die
Venture capital tax credit. Provides that "state tax liability", for purposes of the venture capital investment tax credit, includes insurance premiums retaliatory taxes. Provides that a venture capital investment tax credit is assignable.
To Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee

Sine Die
Rehabilitation option counseling services. Provides that for certain Medicaid rehabilitation option services a licensed addiction counselor is a licensed professional. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to amend rules ...
To Senate Health and Provider Services Committee

Sine Die
Handgun licenses and law enforcement officers. Provides that police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government who have 20 or more years of service are entitled to a lifetime license to carry a ...
To House Public Policy Committee

Sine Die
Delegation of parental powers. Provides that a delegation of powers by a parent or guardian regarding the health care, support, custody, or property of the minor: (1) is not considered placing the minor in foster care; (2) does not subject any party ...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Veteran matters. Provides for tuition and fee exemptions for all children of disabled veterans. (Current law provides that children of veterans who enlisted or otherwise initially served in the armed forces of the United States after June 30, 2011, r...
To Senate Veterans Affairs & The Military Committee

Sine Die
State examiner findings. Specifies requirements for corrective action when audited entities fail to comply with certain guidelines or laws. Requires the department of local government finance to deny the budget or supplemental appropriation of an aud...
To House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee

Sine Die
Regulation of e-liquid. Removes the requirement that the label on an e-liquid container must include a scannable code, including a quick response code, tied to a batch number.
To Senate Public Policy Committee

Sine Die
Indiana education savings account program. Establishes the Indiana education savings account program (program). Provides that a parent of an eligible student or an emancipated eligible student may establish an account in the program. Provides that an...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Work sharing unemployment benefit. Establishes a work sharing unemployment insurance program. Requires an employer to submit a work sharing plan for approval by the commissioner of the department of workforce development. Establishes the work sharing...
To House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee

Sine Die
Animal fighting contests. Makes attending an animal fighting contest a Level 6 felony. Repeals the law that makes it cruelty to an animal, a Class A misdemeanor, for a person to attend a fighting contest involving animals.
To Senate Corrections & Criminal Law Committee

Sine Die
Water and wastewater utility service territories. Requires the appointment of two additional members to a utility service board serving a municipal water, wastewater, or combined water and wastewater utility not later than 60 days after the effective...
To House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Committee

Sine Die
Severe injury to first responders. Defines "permanent disabling harm" and permits imposition of a nonsuspendible sentencing enhancement of five to 10 years if the state proves that a person committed a felony that caused a public safety official to s...
To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Sine Die
High school graduation rate calculation. Changes the definition of "cohort" for purposes of calculating a high school's graduation rate.
To Senate Education and Career Development Committee

Sine Die
State board of education. Provides that the state superintendent of public instruction shall serve as the chairperson for the state board of education (state board). Makes changes to the composition of membership to the state board. Reduces the numbe...
To Senate Education and Career Development Committee

Sine Die
Sales tax holiday. Provides a sales and use tax exemption each year beginning on the second Friday of August 2016 and August 2017 through the following Sundays (sales tax holiday) for the following items: (1) Clothing, if the sales price does not exc...
To House Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
Missing persons information distribution. Requires the Indiana clearinghouse for information on missing children and missing endangered adults to publish the photographs of missing children and missing endangered adults on the clearinghouse's Interne...
To House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee

Sine Die
Obstruction of justice. Creates an enhancement to the obstruction of justice crime for intimidation of a witness during the investigation or pendency of a domestic violence or child abuse case. Provides immunity for prosecuting attorneys and deputies...
To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Sine Die
Duration of first regular session of the Indiana general assembly. Changes the deadline for the general assembly to adjourn sine die in an odd-numbered year from April 29 to April 15.
To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee

Sine Die
Prekindergarten education. Expands the prekindergarten pilot program to include 13 counties that were selected as finalist counties by the office of the secretary of family and social services but were not selected as one of the five initial pilot co...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Access to identifying information. Requires the state registrar to search death certificates in the state registrar's possession and the federal limited access death master file if an eligible individual submits a request for the release of identifyi...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Historic rehabilitation credit. Provides that the historic rehabilitation credit continues for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2015, without expiration.
To House Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
Administration of standardized tests. Provides that the department of education (department) may not require the students in a school corporation, a charter school, a school, or a grade or class in a school to complete a required statewide, national,...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Driver's licenses for veterans. Provides that an individual may request an indication of the individual's status as a surviving spouse of a veteran on the individual's driver's license or state identification card. (Current law provides only for an i...
To Senate Homeland Security & Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Teacher academy. Allows the commission for higher education (commission) to enter into an academy agreement with one state educational institution for the establishment and operation of a teacher academy. Requires the commission to issue a request fo...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Advisory public question on LGBT civil rights. Requires an advisory public question to be put on the November 2016 general election ballot asking the voters whether members of the general assembly should pass legislation to extend civil rights protec...
To House Elections and Apportionment Committee

Sine Die
Indiana minimum wage. Provides that employers that are subject to the minimum wage provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act are subject to the Indiana minimum wage. (Current law provides that employers that are subject to the minimum wage p...
To House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee

Sine Die
Annexation of noncontiguous territory. Allows municipalities in Kosciusko County to annex noncontiguous territory that is to be used as an industrial park.
To House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee

Sine Die
Coverage for pharmacist care. Requires an accident and sickness insurer that enters into a preferred provider agreement to: (1) reimburse for health care service provided by a pharmacist within the scope of practice to the same extent and in the same...
To Senate Health and Provider Services Committee

Sine Die
Asbestos litigation. Provides special proceedings for asbestos claims. Requires a plaintiff who files a personal injury action involving an asbestos claim to provide information to all parties in the action regarding each asbestos claim the plaintiff...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Pet protective orders. Allows a court to grant an order of protection to: (1) grant possession and care of an animal to a petitioner; (2) prohibit a respondent from taking action against the animal; and (3) direct a law enforcement officer to accompa...
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Income tax credit for firearms instruction. Provides a state income tax credit to taxpayers (individuals filing single tax returns or married couples filing joint tax returns) who incur expenses in receiving qualified firearms instruction. Provides t...
To House Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
1977 pension fund surviving spouse benefit. Increases from 60% to 75% of the member's monthly benefit the monthly benefit of a surviving spouse of an individual who: (1) is a member of the 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disabilit...
To House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee

Sine Die
Syringe exchange program. Allows the state health commissioner to extend a syringe exchange program in a county or municipality where the commissioner has declared a public health emergency if certain conditions are met.
To House Public Health Committee

Sine Die
Vacancies; voting. Removes a voter's option to vote for all candidates of a political party or an independent ticket at one time (straight ticket voting) in a general or municipal election, except for candidates for presidential electors. Provides th...
To House Elections and Apportionment Committee
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