KY Legislation | 2020 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
SR178PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Dr. James Ray Rich.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of Kellie D. Wilson to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2023.
adopted 34-0
SR292PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of C. Cyrus "Cy" Reynolds.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of Mark A. Workman to the Board of Directors of Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2023.
adopted 18-16
HB352PassThe State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to General Government: 2019-2020: $21,535,000, 2020-2021: $1,793,871,500, 2021-2022: $1,813,688,900; appropriate to the Economic Development Cabinet: 2020-2021: $33,195,9...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 92)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 74.020 to change the limits on water district commissioners' annual salary to limits on their total annual compensation; allow the Public Service Commission to grant reasonable extensions of time for water district commissioners to complete...
To Senate State & Local Government Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 15.753 to provide that the Finance and Administration Cabinet shall reimburse the Attorney General, a Commonwealth's attorney, or a county attorney for fees or judgments after being sued for an act or omission in the course of his or her du...
To Senate Rules Committee
SR156PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Joyce Hoots.
adopted by voice vote
SR82PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Phyllis Rich Cheuvront.
adopted by voice vote
SR28PassHonor Peter Mitchell Rolfe for receiving the Saint Xavier High School Principal's List Award and for his many other accomplishments.
adopted by voice vote
HB351PassAmend KRS 138.130 to define terms for taxes on tobacco products; amend KRS 138.140 to increase the surtax on cigarettes and the excise tax on chewing tobacco, snuff, and tobacco products effective July 1, 2020; impose an excise tax on vapor products ...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 91)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 15.241 to require the Attorney General, upon certification by the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, to seek injunctive relief as well as civil or criminal penalties for violations of KRS Chapter 216B relating to abort...
To House Rules Committee
HR100PassCelebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
adopted by voice vote
HR137PassHonor the Kentucky Beer Wholesalers Association and its partnership of distilleries for distributing hand sanitizer to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 405 to establish specific rights of parents; establish a short title of "Parents Rights Protection Act."
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 194A.990, 205.8463, 238.995, 341.990, 434.650, 434.655, 434.690, 514.030, 514.040, 514.050, 514.060, 514.070, 514.080, 514.090, and 514.110 to increase the felony threshold for theft and fraud offenses to $1,000, create a Class B misdemeano...
To Senate Judiciary Committee
SR331PassHonor the Kentucky Beer Wholesalers Association and its partnership of distilleries for distributing hand sanitizer to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
adopted by voice vote
HCR136PassAdjourn the 2020 Regular Session of the General Assembly sine die.
adopted by voice vote
SR332PassCommend Governor Andy Beshear, the entire Executive Branch, Kentucky's mayors and their administrations, health care workers, grocery store employees, sanitation personnel, court personnel, school district workers, truck drivers and warehouse workers...
adopted by voice vote
SR131PassRecognize September 13, 2020, as World Sepsis Day and September as Sepsis Awareness Month.
adopted by voice vote
SR249PassHonor Kelly Craft, United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
adopted by voice vote
SR333PassAdjourn in honor of John Robert Miller.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 186.162 to allow disabled veterans who are paid at the 100 percent rate for service-connected disabilities by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to purchase disabled veteran license plates with no initial fee or renewal fee.
To Senate Transportation Committee
SR203PassRecognize the importance of access to safe, affordable, culturally appropriate, and nutritious food and its beneficial impacts on the health of Kentuckians and Kentucky's agricultural economy.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 164.2841, relating to college tuition benefits for spouses and children of specified emergency response personnel and public employees who have died in the course of their duties to specify that the beneficiary is eligible for up to a maxim...
To Senate Education Committee
HB405PassPropose to amend Sections 97, 99, 119, and 122 of the Constitution of Kentucky to increase the term of office for Circuit Court Clerks and Commonwealth's Attorneys from six years to eight years beginning in 2024; increase the term of office for count...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 95)
SR151PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Taylor Rae Nolan, and in honor of the Rae of Sunshine Foundation.
adopted by voice vote
SR250PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Christopher Alan McKinney.
adopted by voice vote
SR184PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Danny Lowe Mooney.
adopted by voice vote
SR251PassDeclare April 22, 2020, as Environmental Education Day in Kentucky and honor the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
adopted by voice vote
SR171PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Lesley Denise Prather and her daughter, Rhyan Denise Prather.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 164.7874 to delete the requirement that an eligible high school student and eligible postsecondary student not be a convicted felon for KEES eligibility purposes.
To Senate Education Committee
SR66PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Billy Wells.
adopted by voice vote
SR158PassHonor Barry Dunn upon being selected to serve as Deputy Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
adopted by voice vote
SR17PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Andrew Lee "Biddie" Mason Sr.
adopted by voice vote
SR170PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Carrie Urton McCaw and her daughter, Kathryn Celestine "Kacey" McCaw.
adopted by voice vote
SR135PassRecognize and honor Community Farm Alliance upon its 35th anniversary.
adopted by voice vote
SR27PassHonor Lenny and Kelly Gant for their work with Bourbon and Bowties.
adopted by voice vote
SR197PassDeclare April 22, 2020, as Environmental Education Day in Kentucky.
adopted by voice vote
SR25PassCommemorate the 100th anniversary of Kentucky's ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States giving women the right to vote.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of Sharon Porter Robinson to the Kentucky Board of Education for a term expiring April 14, 2024.
adopted 24-10
SR318PassHonor Senator Ernie Harris upon his retirement from the Senate.
adopted by voice vote
HR135PassEncourage the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Emergency Preparedness Task Force; establish membership and duties of the task force; require findings to be submitted by Dec. 1, 2020.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 337.015 to require employers provide the same leave policies to adoptive parents as they provide to birth parents; change the applicable age of an adoptive child from seven to ten; create an exemption for specified categories of adoption.
To Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor Committee
SR320PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Christopher B. Caddell.
adopted by voice vote
SR252PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Walter William "Bill" Corey.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of Michael Dean Bowling to the Kentucky Board of Education for a term expiring April 14, 2024.
adopted 24-10
SR164PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of James Traver Kirk.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of Holly Bloodworth to the Kentucky Board of Education for a term expiring April 14, 2024.
adopted 25-9
SR177PassDeclare Kentucky a compassionate community, and acknowledge the Commonwealth as a "Compassionate Kentucky."
adopted by voice vote
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