Rhode Island Senator Tiara Mack [D]

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RIS2407PassPROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Permits those other residents of a residential dwelling unit to extend the term of the rental agreement for a period not to exceed three (3) months after the death of the lessee.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS2045PassPUBLIC FINANCE -- RHODE ISLAND RETIREMENT SAVINGS PROGRAM ACT - Establishes Rhode Island Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program to be administered by the general treasurer.
Signed by Governor
RIS2523PassJoint Resolution Creating A Special Joint Legislative Commission To Study Student Transportation Needs And System Costs (creates A 13-member Joint Commission To Study The Transportation Needs Of Students And Recommend What Changes Are Necessary, And ...
Signed by Governor
RIS2867PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- THE LADDERS TO LICENSURE PROGRAM - Implements a grant program to fund public or private partnerships that provide opportunities for healthcare paraprofessionals to pursue higher education degrees and health professiona...
Signed by Governor
RIS2036PassPUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - Directs PUC to extend utility termination moratorium for gas/electricity from April 15 to May 1, of each year with discretion to respond to emergency/ economic conditions/customers needs.
Signed by Governor
RIS2262PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- HEALTHCARE PROVIDER SHIELD ACT - Creates a protective legal shield for healthcare providers, precluding any civil/criminal action by other states/persons against healthcare providers involving persons seeking access to transgende...
Signed by Governor
RIS2379PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- LACTATION COUNSELORS PRACTICE ACT OF 2024 - Specifies the requirements and procedures for licensing lactation counselors as well as the renewal, expiration, termination, refusal, revocation and suspension of licenses.
Signed by Governor
RIS2643PassPROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Requires landlords to list all mandatory fees when advertising any residential property for rent as well as on the first page of any lease. Prohibits a landlord from charging a convenience fee when th...
Signed by Governor
RIS2739PassCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- FILING OF ASSUMED NAME - Changes the term "assumed name" to "trade name" and centralizes the filing, administration and regulation process of trade names to the secretary of state and also requires a...
Signed by Governor
RIS2767PassCRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION - Allows victims of sexual assault to submit a medical forensic exam performed by a licensed health care provider in lieu of a police report in order to establish eligibility for funds under the St...
Signed by Governor
RIS2995PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION - Requires, by January 1, 2026, the creation of an online, publicly available, comprehensive statewide geographic information system of land related resources to include information from al...
Signed by Governor
RIS2086PassINSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES - Prohibits healthcare entities from interfering with a patient's right to choose to obtain a clinician-administered drug from their provider or pharmacy of choice.
Signed by Governor
RIS2189PassPROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD TENANT ACT - Increases the time requirements notice for rental increases from 30 days to 90 days and for persons older than age 62 to 120 days.
Signed by Governor
RIS2902PassPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- CONTRACTORS BONDS - Provides that upon application, and good cause, the state may waive the bonding requirement for certified minority business enterprises or women owned businesses.
Signed by Governor
RIS2115PassCRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- VICTIM'S RIGHTS - Amends the current requirement of payment of initial filing fee/service of process costs when the victim of crime is still owed restitution at the expiration of the case/seeks to enforce the civil judgment ente...
Signed by Governor
RIS2667PassPROBATE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE -- PRACTICE IN PROBATE COURTS - Outlines the process for a person petitioning to change their name in the probate court in the town or city where they reside. It also makes the statute regarding name change gender neutr...
Signed by Governor
RIS2778PassELECTIONS -- MAIL BALLOTS - Eliminates requirement of signing with an "X" for voters who cannot sign their name due to blindness, disability, or inability to read/write and establishes a timeframe for local boards to accept mail ballot applications d...
Signed by Governor
RIS2858PassAuthorizes Providence to issue not more than $400,000,000 general obligation bonds & notes to finance the construction, related demolition, renovation, improvement, alteration, repair, landscaping, furnishing and equipping of schools throughout the c...
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - Adds the city of Central Falls as exempt from taxation for property acquired by an agency for redevelopment purposes.
Placed on House Calendar (06/13/2024)

Sine Die
BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- REAL ESTATE SALES DISCLOSURES - Requires radon testing within one year of any residential real estate transaction and the installation of a radon mitigation system if unsafe radon levels are present, at the seller's expe...
To House Corporations Committee
RIS2896PassPROBATE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE -- UNCLAIMED INTANGIBLE AND TANGIBLE PROPERTY - Provides conditions which persons paid to recover or assist in recovering reported property must comply with.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- OBSCENE AND OBJECTIONABLE PUBLICATIONS AND SHOWS - Establishes, as an affirmative defense to the crimes of circulating obscene publications or shows and selling or exhibiting obscene publications to minors, the person’s employm...
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS - Allows expungement of multiple felony convictions for non-violent felonies10 years after sentence completed.
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT - Requires hosting platforms offering short-term rental of residential property for tourist or transient use to disclose on listings the current, valid registration number and its expiration dat...
Committee recommends passage of Sub A

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- STATE AID - Exempts schools or school districts subject to an intervention for failing schools from the withholding of aid provisions for infractions related to nonpayment of tuition owed by one community to another.
Committee recommends passage of Sub A

Sine Die
COMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- GROCERY STORES - Requires grocery stores to specifically limit the number of self-service checkout units to six (6) units per location. The consumer protection unit of the department of attorney gene...
To House Corporations Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- CITY HOUSING AUTHORITIES - Establishes the composition of the housing authority for the city of Central Falls.
Placed on House Calendar (06/13/2024)

Sine Die
PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Provides that landlords would pay interest on security deposits in residential landlord-tenant matters.
To House Judiciary Committee
RIS2859PassThis act serves as the enabling act required by § 16-7-44 of the general laws in order for the principal and interest on bonds issued in support of school housing projects to be eligible for state housing aid reimbursement.
Signed by Governor
RIS3128PassSenate Resolution Joyously Celebrating And Commemorating June Of 2024, As "pride Month" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT - Repeals provisions that assess costs for women in the community corrections program for women offenders.
To House Judiciary Committee
RIS2269PassINSURANCE -- CASUALTY INSURANCE RATING - Prevents insurance companies from treating widowed persons differently than married persons when establishing or maintaining an insured's rate or classification respecting the operation of a personal motor veh...
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
LIBRARIES -- STATE AID TO LIBRARIES -- FREEDOM TO READ - Encourages and protects the freedom of public libraries to acquire materials without limitations and prohibits materials being removed from public libraries due to partisan or doctrinal disappr...
To House State Government & Elections Committee

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- VITAL RECORDS - Provides an exemption for certain incarcerated persons from the payment of fees for a first request for vital statistics from the department of health.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- STATE AID - Includes municipal detention facility corporations as exempt from taxation, and requires that an amount equal to twenty-seven percent (27%) of all tax that would have been collected if the property was taxable be paid ...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PROPERTY TAX RELIEF - Increases the income range up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and tax credit up to eight hundred fifty dollars ($850), for elderly and disabled persons who own or rent their homes.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Creates an additional Rhode Island personal income surtax of 3% on taxable income over $1,000,000, with the existing three-bracket personal income tax structure remaining in place.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- POSTSECONDARY TUITION ASSISTANCE FOR SHORTAGE TEACHING FIELDS - Creates a postsecondary tuition assistance for shortage teaching fields.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
PUBLIC FINANCE -- STATE FUNDS - Allocates, to the cities and towns of the state, a portion of state income taxes for new employees of not-for-profit healthcare institutions and private educational institutions.
Committee continued

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Exempts from taxation the non-commercial real and tangible personal property of Southside Community Land Trust, a Rhode Island domestic nonprofit corporation, located in Providence, Rhode Island.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- LEAD HAZARD MITIGATION - Requires renovation projects of pre-1978 buildings to comply with provisions of chapter 24.6 of title 23 and chapter 21 of title 28, and require presence of lead inspector and supervisor and re...
To Senate Labor Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- STATEWIDE TANGIBLE PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION - Determines reimbursement rate for lost tax revenue base upon the 2023 assessment and rate. Allows for an estimate to be calculate based upon 2022 if 2023 information unavailable. Allows municipa...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- TAX ON GAINS FROM THE SALE OR EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY - Creates new tax on gains from sale or exchange of real property held for short periods of time, 6 years or less, establishes a comprehensive framework to calculate and implement en...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- RHODE ISLAND NEW QUALIFIED JOBS INCENTIVE ACT 2015 - Sunsets/discontinues the Jobs Development Act rate reduction as of July 1, 2024.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL TAXES - Establishes a statewide limit of twelve percent (12%) per year on interest charged by cities and towns on delinquent taxes.
To Senate Finance Committee
RIS3094PassSenate Resolution Proclaiming May 28, 2024, To Be "arts Advocacy Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Increases the state earned-income credit as of January 1, 2025 to seventeen percent (17%) of the federal earned-income credit, not to exceed the amount of state income tax.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OFFICE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - Provides the state would cover dialysis for the treatment of end stage renal disease ("ESRD") and kidney transplants for persons who do not qualify for full Medicaid due to their i...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS - Extends teacher certifications without fee or penalty for three (3) or five (5) years for teachers who hold certifications as of July 1, 2024.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
INSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES - Provides insurance coverage for interpreter services for all medically necessary doctor appointments.
To Senate Health and Human Services Committee
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