Rhode Island Senator Elaine Morgan [R] | All Sessions

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
RIS2154PassFISH AND WILDLIFE -- BIRDS - Allows the taking of wild turkeys by using a crossbow in compliance with rules and regulations promulgated by DEM.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS2015PassBEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS -- DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS - Mandates, as of 1/1/26, all recovery housing facilities register with department of behavioral healthca...
Signed by Governor
RIS2150PassANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- UNLAWFUL CONFINEMENT OF A COVERED ANIMAL - Exempts egg laying hens kept for commercial egg production purposes from the provisions of chapter 4-1.1 until January 1, 2028.
Signed by Governor
RIS2112PassPROBATE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE -- LIMITED GUARDIANSHIP AND GUARDIANSHIP OF ADULTS - Provides that supported decision-making pursuant to chapter 66.13 of title 42 be added to the Limited Guardianship and Guardianship of Adults forms section as one of ...
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS3120PassANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- DOGS - Permits the town council of the town of Hopkinton to enact ordinances which increase the fines pertaining to the violation of any dog ordinance.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS2128PassLABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- POSTING OF VETERANS' BENEFITS AND SERVICES - Requires employers in the state with more than 50 employees to display a poster containing basic information on veterans' benefits and services be created and distributed by th...
Signed by Governor
RIS3163PassSenate Resolution Honoring Senator Roger A. Picard For His Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS3143PassSenate Resolution Supporting The 2024 Leukemia Lymphoma Society’s "light The Night® Walk" Event On September 22, 2024
Senate read and passed
RIS3141PassSenate Resolution Joyously Celebrating The 250th Anniversary Of The Pawtuxet Rangers
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT - Redirects the distribution of the hotel tax money generated in the South County regional tourism district.
To Senate Finance Committee
RIS3130PassSenate Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Eileen M. Rao
Senate read and passed
RIS3126PassSenate Resolution Congratulating Mr. Lemon On 50 Years Of Tantalizing The Taste Buds Of Rhode Islanders Across The State
Senate read and passed
RIS3125PassSenate Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of The Honorable Thomas Conroy Boyle
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- INSPECTOR GENERAL - Establishes the office of inspector general as an independent administrative agency charged with the responsibility to investigate, detect, and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the ...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- ADJUDICATION OF TRAFFIC OFFENSES - Prohibits the state, municipalities, or courts from attempting to collect any motor vehicle violation fines or costs, after more than seven (7) years of the fine becoming final.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
MILITARY AFFAIRS -- NATIONAL GUARD - Raises the amount of life insurance the state would provide at no charge to Rhode Island National Guard members called up for federal duty to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- INSPECTOR GENERAL - Establishes office of inspector general which would be charged with preventing fraud and mismanagement of public funds, regardless of their source and would oversee all state programs and operations...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Requires 10% of all rental fees collected by the water resources board pursuant to a lease with the Coventry Pines Golf Club be paid to the town of Coventry and 10% to the Central Coventry Fire Di...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- THE EDUCATION EQUITY AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT - Establishes ongoing two percent (2%) regionalization bonus to Education Equity and Property Tax Relief Act.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Allows a modification to federal adjusted gross income for all social security income for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2025.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- STATE AID - Provides PILOT to Exeter for state owned properties. Imposes no duty on Exeter to protect these properties. Requires payments to be used to create a police department or defray town expenses used to provide police prot...
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- STATE AID - Secures general assembly appropriations in lieu of property taxes for state-owned properties within the town of Exeter.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution To Approve And Publish And Submit To The Electors A Proposition Of Amendment To The Constitution -- Of The Legislative Power (proposes A State Constitutional Amendment That No Department Or Other Entity Created By The State Would Hav...
To Senate Finance Committee
RIS3094PassSenate Resolution Proclaiming May 28, 2024, To Be "arts Advocacy Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
FOOD AND DRUGS -- PRESCRIPTION DRUG COST PROTECTION - Prohibits the state, participating ERISA or any health plan from purchasing referenced drugs for a cost higher than the referenced rate.
To House Health & Human Services Committee
RIS3083PassSenate Resolution Commemorating The 50th Anniversary Of "national Ems Week" On May 19-25, 2024, In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS3085PassSenate Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Glen D. Biddiscombe, Sr.
Senate read and passed
RIS3082PassSenate Resolution Proclaiming May 21, 2024, To Be "cox Impact Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS3084PassSenate Resolution Supporting "period Poverty Awareness Week" On May 20-28, 2024, In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS3081PassSenate Resolution Celebrating May 21, 2024, As "korea Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS3078PassSenate Resolution Welcoming The Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts Of America, To The Rhode Island State House And Joyfully Celebrating Scouting Month In February
Senate read and passed
RIS3077PassSenate Resolution Congratulating The Eleanor Slater Hospital-zambarano Campus On The Recognition Of "zambarano Day" On May 16, 2024
Senate read and passed
RIS3076PassSenate Resolution Celebrating May Of 2024, As "older Americans Month" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS3064PassSenate Resolution Congratulating The Brown University Women's Rugby Team On Winning The 2024 Collegiate Rugby Championship's National 7s Women's Premier Cup Championship For The Second Year In A Row
Senate read and passed
RIS3065PassSenate Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Gregory A. Jones (lt.-ret. Cfd)
Senate read and passed
RIS3063PassSenate Resolution Commemorating The Week Of May 6th Through May 12th Of 2024, As "national Nurses Week" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS2839PassPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- PUBLIC BUILDINGS - Allows the department of administration to temporarily loan the state battle flags and markers to approved federal or state agencies under the condition that such loan is insured by bond against damage ...
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- PHARMACIES - Restricts audits of pharmacists conducted by insurers and their intermediaries, limiting audits to 1 per year unless fraud or misrepresentation is reasonably suspected. The Rhode Island attorney would have t...
To Senate Health and Human Services Committee

Sine Die
INSURANCE -- BENEFIT DETERMINATION AND UTILIZATION REVIEW ACT - Limits the use by insurers of step therapy, a protocol that establishes a specific sequence in which prescription drugs for a specified medical condition are covered by an insurer, by al...
To Senate Health and Human Services Committee

Sine Die
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- WORKPLACE PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY ACT - Protects bullying/psychological abuse in workplace inflicted upon employees by employers/co-employees/provides civil remedies to affected employees/fines against employers/imprisonment...
To House Labor Committee

Sine Die
HOLIDAYS AND DAYS OF SPECIAL OBSERVANCE -- DAYS OF SPECIAL OBSERVANCE - Provides that the fifth day in April in each year be designated as "Rhode Island Gold Star Spouses Day" with appropriate exercises in public places and with flags flown at half-s...
Senate held on desk

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- INDICTMENTS, INFORMATIONS AND COMPLAINTS - Provides for a 10 year statute of limitations for the violation of second degree sexual assault.
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- SEXUAL ASSAULT -- SHERRY'S LAW - Increases minimum sentence for first degree sexual assault and provides first 10 years of a sentence for first degree sexual assault not be subject to a suspension or deferment of sentence.
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- RHODE ISLAND HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE CORPORATION - Establishes a revolving fund to assist first-time home buyers and veterans to purchase a home in Rhode Island by issuing grants of up to forty thousand dollars ($...
To Senate Finance Committee
RIS3011PassSenate Resolution Joyously Celebrating The 150th Anniversary Of The Official Founding Of The Berean Baptist Church Of Burrillville, Rhode Island, On October 20th Of 2024 And Declaring Said Day To Be "berean Baptist Church Day" In The State Of Rhode I...
Senate read and passed
RIS2981PassSenate Resolution Reaffirming The Friendship Between The State Of Rhode Island And Taiwan While Supporting Enhanced Bilateral Relations With Taiwan And Taiwan's Participation In The International Community
Senate read and passed
RIS2980PassSenate Resolution Celebrating "black Maternal Health Week" On April 11th - 17th, 2024, In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OPEN MEETINGS - Provides that public meetings involving collective bargaining agreements of school teachers shall be open to the public.
To Senate Labor Committee

Sine Die
FOOD AND DRUGS -- MILK SANITATION CODE - Permits and legalize the sale of raw milk.
To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee
RIS2978PassSenate Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of The Honorable Charles W. Beck
Senate read and passed
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