FL Legislation | 2015 | Regular Session | Senate | Passed

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
S0200PassProviding an exemption from public records requirements for e-mail addresses obtained by a tax collector for the purpose of electronically sending certain tax notices or obtaining the consent of a taxpayer for electronic transmission of certain tax n...
Chapter No. 2015-13
S0228PassRequiring the Division of Elections of the Department of State to develop an online voter registration system; requiring the division to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of the online voter registration system; requiring the system to compare ...
Chapter No. 2015-36
S0766PassProhibiting a person, a state agency, or a political subdivision from using a drone to capture an image of privately owned real property or of the owner, tenant, occupant, invitee, or licensee of such property with the intent to conduct surveillance ...
Chapter No. 2015-26
S0264PassDesignating counties and municipalities as traffic enforcement agencies for purposes of the section and prohibiting them from establishing traffic citation quotas; requiring a county or municipality to submit a report of its traffic citation revenue ...
Chapter No. 2015-15
S0446PassAmending provisions relating to the membership requirements for the Florida College System institution boards of trustees; requiring the St. Johns River State College board to have a specified number of trustees; providing for staggered terms of boar...
Chapter No. 2015-19
S0186PassProhibiting electronic benefits transfer cards from being used or accepted to purchase an alcoholic beverage; providing requirements for a licensed manufacturer of malt beverages to sell such beverages directly to consumers; authorizing a licensed ma...
Chapter No. 2015-12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 596 (Ch. 2015-52)
S0520PassProviding additional forms for the mandatory offer of nonforfeiture benefits in long-term care insurance policies, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-21
S1010PassRevising the list of officials who are prohibited from being falsely personated; prohibiting the sale or transfer of specified badges bearing in any manner or combination the words "fire department" and the ownership or operation of vehicles marked o...
Chapter No. 2015-29
S0132PassAuthorizing certain veterans to provide the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles alternative documentation for renewal or replacement of a disabled parking permit, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-11
S0094PassRequiring that a project proposal under the grant program address racial and ethnic disparities in morbidity and mortality rates relating to sickle cell disease in addition to other priority areas, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-10
S7040PassProviding an exemption from public records requirements for e- mail addresses collected by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; providing for future review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-32
S0456PassRevising methods by which a labor pool is required to compensate day laborers; requiring a labor pool to provide certain notice before a day laborer's first pay period; specifying requirements for a labor pool that selects to compensate a day laborer...
Chapter No. 2015-20
S0522PassDeleting a requirement that the division issue a regular newsletter to certain parties which addresses local and state bonds, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-22
S0420PassProviding a procedure for adopting or humanely disposing of impounded stray livestock, except cattle, as an alternative to sale or auction; requiring a county animal control center to establish fees and be responsible for damages caused while impound...
Chapter No. 2015-18
S0342PassProviding for the effect and enforceability of orders of no contact as a part of pretrial release; requiring that the defendant receive a copy of the order of no contact prior to release; specifying acts prohibited by a no contact order, etc.
Chapter No. 2015-17
S7018PassRevising legislative intent with respect to citizen ombudsmen; deleting references to ombudsman councils and transferring their responsibilities to representatives of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program; revising the duties and authority of th...
Chapter No. 2015-31, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1001 (Ch. 2015-126)
S0984PassRevising the definition of the term "expenditure"; specifying that the term does not include use of a public facility or public property that is made available by a governmental entity to a legislator for a public purpose, to exempt such use from leg...
Chapter No. 2015-28
S1216PassProviding that certain local governments are not required to amend their comprehensive plans or maintain a work plan under certain circumstances; providing that conservation easements may be based on digital orthophotography prepared by licensed surv...
Chapter No. 2015-30
S1422PassUrging Congress and the President of the United States to pass and enact new economic sanctions against Iran should that nation be found to be in violation of the Joint Plan of Action or fail to reach an acceptable agreement by the dates set forth in...
Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State
S1674PassExpressing the heartfelt appreciation of the members of the Florida Senate to Donald Severance for his more than 15 years of service as Sergeant at Arms and nearly 40 years of total service to the Senate, and wishing Sergeant Severance and his family...
S1572PassRecognizing March 10, 2015, as "Correctional Officers Day" in Florida, etc.
S1654PassRecognizing May 11, 2015, as "Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day" in Florida, etc.
S1672PassHonoring the service of Andy Ford and commending him for his dedication to the enrichment of public education in Florida, etc.
S1576PassRecognizing April 2015 as "Volunteer Month" in Florida, etc.
S1638PassRemembering the outstanding contributions of pioneer leaders and martyrs Harriette Vyda Simms Moore and Harry T. Moore in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, etc.
S1668PassRecognizing April 20, 2015, as "Taxpayer Independence Day" in Florida and celebrating Florida as a taxpayer-friendly state, etc.
S1564PassRecognizing entrepreneur and philanthropist Kate Tiedemann for her inspiring dedication and generosity to the students and faculty of the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and numerous charities in this state, etc.
S1630PassRecognizing Citizens' Crime Watch of Miami-Dade County on the occasion of its 40th anniversary, etc.
S1644PassCongratulating the Apopka High School Blue Darters football team for winning the 2014 Florida High School Athletic Association Class 8A Football Championship, etc.
S0882PassHonoring Chester Lee Davis, Sr., in memoriam, for his patriotic service to the United States during World War II, etc.
S1666PassRemembering Major League Baseball star and Baseball Hall of Fame member Roberto Clemente, etc.
S1646PassCongratulating the Winter Park High School Wildcats Special Olympics team on winning the 2015 Florida High School Athletic Association Championship, etc.
S1642PassCongratulating the Apopka High School boys bowling team for winning its second Florida High School Athletic Association Championship, etc.
S1648PassCongratulating the Winter Park High School Wildcats girls cross country team for winning the 2014 Florida High School Athletic Association Class 4A Championship, etc.
S1660PassRecognizing the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration and its Southern Regional Office in Kissimmee, etc.
S1652PassCongratulating the Winter Park High School Wildcats cheerleading team for winning the 2015 National Cheerleading Championship, etc.
S1658PassRecognizing April 23, 2015, as "National Association of Women Business Owners Day" in Florida, etc.
S1640PassExpressing support for the successful negotiation of a mutually beneficial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States and the European Union, etc.
S0426PassTerminating the Building Fee Trust Fund, the Replacement Trust Fund, the State University System Concurrency Trust Fund, the State University System Law Enforcement Trust Fund, and the Uniform Payroll Trust Fund within the Department of Education and...
Chapter No. 2015-7
S0430PassTerminating the Central Florida Beltway Trust Fund; providing for the transfer of any balances or revenues in the terminated trust fund; requiring that the department pay outstanding debts or obligations of the terminated trust fund; requiring that t...
Chapter No. 2015-9
S0428PassCodifying the Administrative Trust Fund, Environmental Laboratory Trust Fund, and Working Capital Trust Fund; requiring the department to administer such trust funds; codifying provisions relating to the Minerals Trust Fund and the Air Pollution Cont...
Chapter No. 2015-8
S1378PassCommending the osteopathic physicians of this state for their contributions to the health and welfare of its residents and recognizing April 15, 2015, as "Osteopathic Medicine and Health Awareness Day" in Florida, etc.
S1616PassCongratulating Kiwanis International on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its founding and recognizing the organization's commitment to improving the lives of children and youth around the world, etc.
S0550PassCelebrating the benefits of routine nutritional screening and therapeutic nutritional intervention, and recognizing September 28 to October 2, 2015, as "Malnutrition Awareness Week" in Florida, etc.
S1622PassRecognizing the unique and exemplary efforts of Casting for Recovery, etc.
S1578PassCommemorating the life and service of Rochelle Tatrai-Ray, President and CEO of Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services, etc.
S1590PassRecognizing and commending the 2015 JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest for their significance in this state and the South Florida community, etc.
S0866PassExpressing profound disagreement with the decision of the President to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba, opposing the opening of a consulate or any diplomatic office in this state, and urging the upholding of the embargo, etc.
Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State
S1348PassRecognizing April 8 and 9, 2015, as "Miami-Dade County Days at the Capitol" and celebrating the 27th anniversary of this event, etc.
S0106PassRecognizing April 2015 as "Financial Literacy Month" in Florida, etc.
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